Imagine- Friday The 13th

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It's Friday The 13th, supposedly the day full of bad luck and incoming doom. Whilst I'm not overly superstitious, my parents have always joked about it, planting a seed of caution into my mind.

"Eddie, you've got to be careful today." I mumble around a cup of orange juice, Eddie looks up at me from where he's leaning against the fridge, a can of Mountain Dew in hand even though its first thing in the morning.

He raises his eyebrows and wiggles his fingers at me. "Ooh, better be careful otherwise something dreadful might happen."

I frown at his teasing as he steps towards me and pats my head. "It'll be fine, there's nothing unlucky about today." He mumbles.

"Yeah there is!" I argue, standing up and putting my glass near the sink. Eddie shakes his head at me as his lips turn into a smile, "I'll show you then if you won't listen."

Eddie walls towards the door where there's a random umbrella, probably Wayne's, and he goes to open it.

"No!" I exclaim, but it's too late, Eddie's already opened it inside, he looks up at the umbrella, then pretends to be struck by lightening, making a "Bzzzzz" sound.

I laugh but cross my arms before grabbing my jacket. "Come on, we've gotta go to school."


The day has been agonisingly slow, especially since it's Friday and all I want to do is go home so me and Eddie can watch a movie, but we've still got a few hours left.

I sit at the table with the rest of Eddie's friends, I pluck a fry from my tray and eye it up suspiciously. "Hey, would you pass me the salt please?" I ask Eddie, who's half paying attention to me as he excitedly talks to Jeff and Garerh. He goes to grab it but it ends up spilling over the table.

My eyes widen at the pile of salt, Eddie looks between me and the salt oddly. Another superstition Eddie's broken, yet still nothing bad has happened. With a sigh I pick up the salt and pour some over my fries, as well as a pinch over my left shoulder for good luck.


Eddie's arm is wrapped around my shoulders as we walk to the exit, the school emptied pretty quick as soon as the bell rang, but Eddie needed to talk to a teacher about something which ended up taking forever.

The school janitor stands on a ladder, fixing a light above some lockers, when Eddie looks at me and grins.

"Don't do it." I warn, so Eddie shrugs and continues walking with me. As soon as we reach the doors he turns around and jogs to the ladder, he gives a quick "Hey" to the janitor before ducking under the ladder and coming back to me. Crossing my arms, I huff and walk to the van.

We drove to my house without any incidents, and I begin to question my whole idea of superstition and anxiety surrounding Friday The 13th.

"See, we're both still alive and nothing bad happened." Eddie grins as he climbs out of the van parked on my driveway.

"I wouldn't exactly call your grade for that math paper a good thing." I tease, slinging my bag over my shoulder as I close the passenger door.

Eddie opens his mouth to say something as he walks, but all of a sudden there's a hissing sound and something black darts out from the bushes, straight for Eddie's leg. He lets out a girlish scream and runs to my front door whilst the black fluffy thing chases him.

"Truffles!" I exclaim, laughing as I realise it's the neighbours black cat. It turns to look at me, then meows before darting around the corner. I look up to see Eddie's horrified face, full of shock and on the verge of laughing.

I can't help it, I giggle and double over laughing. "After umbrellas, salt and ladders, the thing that gets you is a teeny tiny kitten?"

Eddie frowns and holds up his leg. "I've got fatal wounds." He pouts, but there's a smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah yeah, I guess I'll grab the first aid kit, you scaredy cat." I joke, unlocking the front door and letting Eddie in.

He gives me a pointed look. "Ha ha."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now