Imagine- Storms and Steam- SMUT

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AN: I'm not amazing at writing smut, so I apologise for any awkwardness🙈I figured I'd spice things up though...

Thunder crashes in the sky, followed by a spark of lightning, momentarily bathing the boathouse in light until it goes dim again. Rain soon hammers the roof, like pellets throwing themselves above Eddie and I.

"We could go inside?" I suggest to Eddie as we sit on the floor opposite each other, a game of cards between us.

He shakes his head and watches me for a second, before throwing his cards down and leaning forward. His hand cups my chin as he presses a passionate kiss to my lips, if I wasn't already sitting I'd be falling from how weak he makes my legs.

I meet his mouth with the same passion, wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing him closer to me. I end up on my back with Eddie on top of me, his hands roam up my shirt as I scrape my nails down his back, causing him to let out a groan.

We can't get close enough. The rain is so loud now that it blocks out any other sound. I wrap my legs around Eddie's waist, arching my back as my hands find his hair.

Eddie grabs my hands suddenly with one hand and pins my wrists above my head, he pushes back a little, our noses still touch as we catch our breaths, panting at one another as our eyes stare into one another's.

It feels like minutes but it's actually seconds later until Eddie's mouth is back on mine, his hips dig into mine as another crash of thunder booms in the sky.

"I need you." I moan as Eddie gently bites my bottom lip, nodding as he begins to unbutton my jeans. In to time, they're down but not completely off, it feels so odd but hot.

"Say please." Eddie smirks, moving his lips across my jaw as he rolls his hips against my underwear, his fingers press against the set fabric and I swear I'm combusting.

"Please." I almost scream, needing to be closer to him.

"Please what? Tell me what you want sweetheart?" He teases, making the most of this confident and dominant mood he's in.

"Please fuck me." I mumble, feeling my cheeks redden from the bluntness. Eddie's smile widens as with one hand he pulls down my underwear, exposing me to the slight chill of the air.

With my hands still pinned above my head, Eddie awkwardly unbuttons his jeans and pulls everything down, bringing himself out.

I open my legs wider, earning a "Good girl" from Eddie, just moments before he thrusts into me.

My loud moan is smothered by another blast of thunder, the rain now absolutely going wild. Eddie rapidly thrusts in and out of me, pulling out almost completely before pushing deep inside again.

"I'm not gonna last long." I murmur, as Eddie's hands find my bra, pushing it down and finding nipples, toying with them to the point of almost being painful.

"You're doing so well for me, I love seeing you like this." He groans, slowing down as I begin to whimper.

Not long after, I'm tipped over the edge when Eddie begins sucking on my neck, leaving marks. I wrap my legs tighter as his groans turn into gasps, and he pauses inside of me, climaxing with me.

The rain begins to slow as Eddie and I breathlessly pant, trying to catch our breaths after the unexpected fuck. I bite my lip and laugh, making Eddie laugh too as he pulls out and tugs his jeans back up.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asks, pulling up my clothes up and wrapping his arms around me. I shake my head and rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"That was-" I lead off, huffing another laugh.

"Yeah..." Eddie chuckles, kissing my temple as we both lay together amidst the thunderstorm.

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