Imagine- Flirty Fallouts

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I laugh at Steve's terrible impression of Dustin whilst we all sit in Eddie's trailer, spending Friday night with a few beers and a little get together.

"Your laugh is so addictive." Steve murmurs, giving me a warm smile as I meet his eyes.

Eddie clears this throat from opposite us, breaking up the moment. I turn back to the others, silently noticing how Eddie is staring daggers at Steve.

"Care to share what you were mumbling to Y/N, Harrington?" Eddie smiles, but it isn't a genuine one, for some reason I'm sensing some tension.

Steve tilts his head and leans back, his fingers placed over mine as he forces a smile back at Eddie. "I was just telling
Y/N how she has a nice laugh. Why, don't you agree?"

I glance between the two, my eyes dart to Robin who continues snacking on the gummy worms, eyes bright as she watches how this plays out.

"Yeah, she has a lot of nice qualities, I didn't realise you noticed Harrington." Eddie says, staring at Steve.

Steve huffs a laugh and looks momentarily at me, "I've always noticed, I just didn't think you were interested in her like that Munson."

My eyes widen as I look between the two, my brain finally clicking as Robin "Oohs."

"Okay, can we change the topic?" I nervously say with a small laugh. Robin shakes her head and sips her cola.

"No way amigo, this is getting good."

I roll my eyes at her obvious love for the drama, and stand up. "Look, if you're both going to act like children, then I'd much rather go hang out with my own brother." I say with a frown.

Steve looks away as Eddie stands up, holding out his hands. "Please don't go, we're sorry, right Harrington?"

Steve reluctantly nods and grabs his beer, downing it in one. I sigh and sit next to Eddie. There's an awkward silence for a while with only the sound of buzzing coming from the kitchen.

"Screw this, Y/N it's obvious Stevey here likes you, and it's even more obvious that Eddie likes you too, so do you like any of them back or are you going to let them simmer?" Robin lightly asks with a small giggle. She's definitely had too much to sugar.

Both boys glance at me and I feel my face go warm. "Uh...," I begin, feeling put on the spot, "I like one of them...I mean I like both but one of them I like like."

Robin's eyes go wide as she leans forward, "Who?!"

My eyes dart to Eddie's, and surprise crosses his face. Steve swears and gets up, "I'm going home, come on Robin."

I shake my head and stand up, "No way you're driving." Steve huffs a laugh and points to Robin, "She is." As if on cue, Robin dangles her keys and skips to the door, holding it open as Steve walks out.

With both of them gone, it leaves me and Eddie in silence. "So, you like me huh?" He nervously asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

I relax my shoulders knowing a fight isn't about to break out. "Yeah, I have done for a while, I just didn't anticipate all this." I mumble.

Eddie nods and sighs. "I'm sorry about everything, I really didn't mean to cause all of this."

I turn to him and place my hand on his. "It's okay, Steve was drunk anyway, he's just upset about the whole Nancy and Jonathan thing and needs someone to obsess over." I shrug.

Eddie smiles at me and leans down, looking into my eyes. "I meant it you know, you do have a lot of nice qualities. Shit, nice isn't a good enough word, you're amazing."

I bite my lip and reply "You're not so bad yourself Munson."

Eddie chuckles and leans in further "Can I kiss you? Punch me if I'm out of line."

I answer by meeting my lips with his, sealing the deal.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now