Imagine- Overstimulated

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The cafeteria lights are too bright. There's too many noises and I can't handle them all at once. The food smells funny. Someone's laugh is too high pitched. Too many people are trying to talk to me.

My leg bounces up and down as I sit at the table with Eddie and our friends, usually I'm okay but today I just can't handle it all. My fingers toy with my necklace, gently tracing the small bumps and grooves of the pendant, calming my nerves ever so slightly.

Eddie clears his throat to get my attention, I look at him and he narrows his eyes before pushing back his chair and holding out a hand.

"Let's go get some air." He announces. I nod and take his hand, grabbing my bag as he tugs me to the doors.

"Don't makeout for too long!" Jeff shouts, making the others laugh. Usually I'd flip him off or say something back, but I'm way to on edge to do than follow Eddie.

In silence Eddie leads me to our usual spot in the woods surrounding the school, a picnic bench Eddie found when he was looking for a spot to smoke one day.

As soon as it comes into view, I quicken my pace and sit down, my knee bouncing as I take deep breaths.

"You good? I know you're feeling a bit overwhelmed." Eddie softly asks, taking the spot next to me.

I nod and count to thirty in my head, then back down again. Once a minute has passed I feel a lot better, just extremely tired and ready for a two month hibernation.

"I'm okay, thank you." I quietly say, taking in the gentle sound of the leaves brushing against each other, the feel of the warm sunlight on my skin.

"You should've told me it was too much, I don't mind having lunch out here every so often." Eddie smiles, putting his hand on top of mine.

I look up at him and nod, "I know, I just thought I could handle it, turns out I wasn't prepped for people today." I laugh gently. Eddie gives me a reassuring nod and reaches into his pocket, he pulls out my favourite sweets and passes them to me.

"This make you feel better?" He smirks as my eyes light up. I mumble a "Thank you" before digging in, Eddie accepts one I give him and we both sit in a comfortable silence for a while.

"We don't have to go back, I can just take you home and say you were sick." He offers, but I shake my head and sigh.

"I'm okay, I just needed a minute, it's just everything gets too much sometimes, it's like my brain can't take it all." I reply, fidgeting with my necklace again.

"I'll always be here when you need me, you don't even have to say anything, just tug my hand or something and I'll know." He says, standing up.

I follow and quickly give him a small hug, Eddie kisses the top of my head and links his arm in mine. "Allow me to escort you to English, m'lady" He says in a funny voice, making me grin.

"Why thank you kind sir!" I joke as we both march back towards the school.

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