Imagine- Reminiscing

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Y/F/N - Your friends name

It's Tuesday and I'm already done with the week, schoolwork is bad enough but I've always hoped my friends would be with me, supporting each other and experiencing the same thing together as we stumble through adolescence.

But no, they ditched me again to go somewhere for lunch whilst I sit alone in the cafeteria, eating rubbish food and feeling like a complete outcast. My eyes roam around the room, watching as other people laugh and joke with their friends, chatting about everything and nothing, smiling.

With a sigh I push back my tray, watching as even the school's outcasts talk with each other, the infamous Eddie Munson laughs with those he hangs out with, not at all alone like I am.

"Hey, we're like, so sorry we forgot about you, you should have reminded us!" The familiar voice of one of my 'friends' says as they all walk towards me, sitting down as if nothings happened. I'm sick of it, I've been a push over for far too long.

"Again." I mumble, staring at the table. They all laugh in confusion and look at each other.

"What?" Y/F/N says with a smile, looking at the others as if it's a joke.

"You forgot about me again. Also, how the fuck am I supposed to remind you about my existence if you're not even around for me to fucking tell you!" I snap. The girls quieten down, their wide eyes staring at me as if they'd never anticipated this.

"You're so out of line right now." Y/F/N says, her face a look of embarrassment and anger.

"You know what, fuck you." I say, standing up and grabbing my bag. I look around and realise the whole cafeteria is watching closely, and my eyes fill with tears as a wave of regret washes over me.

Maybe I've made a mistake, should I have just kept quiet?
In the corner of my eye, I see Eddie Munson sneakily wave me over, a small welcoming smile on his lips. With a deep breath I walk over to the table, taking the empty chair as his friends look at me.

I feel eyes on my back, so I stare at the table, wishing they'd all go away.

"All right, shows over!" Eddie shouts, and within seconds the cafeteria is humming again. I look up to see Eddie opposite me, nodding as if he understands.

"That was brave, knowing what to do even if it means being alone." Eddie murmurs as the others watch our interaction.

I nod and whisper a "Thank you, I'm sorry I should go." But Eddie shakes his head and gives me a look nobody has before, a look of genuine interest.

"You should stay, you seek like you'd fit in here with us." He replies, I look to the others and surprisingly they nod and give me welcoming smiles. One by one they all introduce themselves, and it turns out I don't have to pretend with them, and we like the same things.

-----------A FEW MONTHS LATER------------

"Earth to Y/N, where'd you go?" Eddie laughs as I shake my head and smile at him.

"Just reminiscing." I shrug before launching into a new idea I have for Hellfire Club.

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