Imagine- Vecna's Right Hand

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I don't know how long it's been since the fight, when all of us banded together to save Max and the rest of Hawkins by killing Vecna.

I don't remember much from it either. I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to access my memories of that night. I remember Eddie, Dustin and I were trying to distract the Demobats. It worked for a while...until there were too many. Eddie tried to lead the bats away but I took his place, punched him hard enough so I could steal the bike from him and attract the bats. I remember the pain when sharp teeth dug into me. The screams that came out my mouth. Dying.

After that, it goes blank. I sigh and rub my eyes, looking beside me to see Vecna concentrating, his eyes closed as he tries to access someone's mind.

"It's time for us to go." He deeply commands. I nod and stand up quickly, still getting used to the agility and speed of my actions. I guess that comes from being resurrected by a powerful being, just to then become his right hand. I had no choice, and lately I began to wonder why we were so against his ideology.

Vecna narrows his eyes at me as he beckons me over with a sharp finger. I do as I'm told, as he whisks us to Hawkins. My first time stepping foot in my hometown, let's not think about that.

As soon as we get into Hawkins, my feet become unsteady and I almost fall. The scent of the town is so much stronger now. The warmth of the sun feels blazing hot compared to the Upside Down. I look around to see that we're in the school gym, but everything is in ruins. I look up at Vecna, half horrified that he succeeded, half impressed.

All of a sudden, the doors burst open and my heart skips a beat or two. My old friends accompanied by Vecna's object of desire, Eleven, stand together, as if they're expecting a fight.

My breath catches as my eyes meet Eddie's for the first time. I see him silently mouth my name, his face contorted in confusion and pain. Dustin who stands by him, grabbing his arm, looks just as shocked. The others eye me curiously.

Vecna lets out a deep laugh that rattles my bones. "I knew you would be expecting me, but little did you know that I brought someone back."

Eddie is visibly shaking, from fear or anger? My heightened senses can hear his heartbeat, thumping like a drum.

"Let her go and go home." Eleven demands, stepping forward as Vecna narrows his eyes at her. I look between the two, torn between wanting to help and needing to defend Vecna.

Nancy and Steve hold hands, both wielding a weapon. I shake my head slowly at them, waiting for the right moment.

"It's time for you to die Eleven." Vecna hisses, he reaches out a hand at the same time El does, both fly backwards. Eddie takes the opportunity to sprint towards me, his arms reaching out as one hand carries a baseball bat with nails, I'm sure that was Steve's.

"No!" I shout as he reaches me, I snatch the bat and dart towards Vecna as he stand up, brushing himself off.

"I won't let you hurt them again. You'll have to kill me for the second time." I angrily say, gritting my teeth and wielding the bat. The whole gym goes silent, and I use the advantage to swing the bat up. Vecna stops me and grabs my neck, squeezing.

But whilst he's focused on me, Eleven screams and uses her power to open a portal. The air thickens and begins to suck everything into the portal, disintegrating everything that goes through.

Vecna and I fall to the floor, his legs almost touch the portal, his grip on me is strong and I give up trying to resist. He screams horrendously as his legs go through, I close my eyes, knowing this is the end, but I'm happy to die again to save those I love.

Eddie's hands suddenly wrap around my shoulders, squeezing me close to his body. "I'm not letting you leave me again!" He shouts, his voice breaking from emotion. He begins to slide with us, until the others join. We all pull back, trying to resist the portal as El keeps it open.

"Hurry!" She desperately shouts, her nose drips with blood.

Vecna screams one last time until finally we all fall backward and he vanishes, leaving only ash floating in the air.

Everyone pants as we process the moment. Eddie pulls me into his lap as he rocks me, kissing my head as his tears fall on my face.

"You're alive. You're okay. I'm never leaving you again. I'm so sorry." He sobs.

Everyone stands up and mutters.

I sit up and cup his cheek, no longer feeling inhuman, but back to my old self. "I'm sorry I punched you." I laugh and cry.

Eddie breaks into a watery smile and shrugs it off, "I'll be pissed at you later, just don't leave me again."

I nod and press a kiss to his lips, tenderly as he breathes me in. "Not even death can keep us apart Munson."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now