Imagine- Shy Surrenders

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I swing my legs off of the table, watching as everyone packs up their stuff ready to go home from Hellfire Club. It was so intense tonight, I'm sure Eddie loves taunting us with his ruthless campaigns, because we only just survived this meeting.

"Aren't you coming?" Gareth shouts from the door, holding it as everyone except for Eddie leaves.

I shake my head and point behind me to where Eddie is rapidly writing in his notebook. "I'm gonna help clear up, I'll see you Monday though!"

Gareth salutes me and leaves, I watch as the door to the drama room swiftly closes, leaving me and Eddie alone.

I hop off the table and begin snatching up the empty cans and sweet wrappers, putting them in the bin. "You don't have to help, it'll only take a few minutes." Eddie mumbles, briefly looking up from his notebook.

I shake my head, continuing with the clearing up as I say "It's okay, I don't mind."

A minute later, Eddie shuts the small notebook and slips it into his pocket, patting it as he stands up and begins to help. At the same time we both grab the same can, our hands bumping together awkwardly.

"Sorry, you take it." I nervously laugh, looking up at him as my cheeks turn red. God, what is up with me?

Eddie smirks and throws the can over his shoulder, and surprisingly it lands inside the bin.

"You've, uh, got a nice laugh." Eddie mumbles, whispering something to himself afterwards.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "Thanks?" Looking around the room, I see that everything's clean once again. Eddie does the same, putting his hands in his pockets as he leans against the table in front of me.

"Any plans for the weekend?" He asks, looking up with wide eyes.

"No, just doing some studying and maybe some me time." I smile, rocking on my feet as I answer.

"That sounds..." Eddie leads off anxiously, but then he laughs and regains his composure, "Honestly that sounds terrible, I mean, studying at the weekend?"

I laugh with him, understanding his point. "Yeah, well some of us like to study!" I exclaim, grinning as I ease up.

"God, you're perfect." Eddie whispers, looking at me the same way he looks at his guitar at band practice.

"Don't be stupid." I mumble, my smile fading as he frowns. Eddie shakes his head and stands up, taking a single step forward meeting my toes. I avoid his eyes but his ringed hand reaches out and tilts my chin up.

"You are, you don't even know how much I think about you, you're like a itch I can't scratch, but shit, I really want to." Eddie mumbles, his eyes darting to my lips.

My breath catches as he leans his face to mine, and I feel myself stiffen. "I've never done this before." I blurt out, panicking.

Eddie's face softens as his eyes crinkle, his lips tilt up in a smile as he breathlessly asks "Is it okay if I kiss you?"

I nod, so Eddie gently presses his soft lips to mine, I close my eyes as his fingers gently squeeze my chin, his mouth delicate on mine as I try to imitate what I've seen on movies and read about, slightly opening my lips as Eddie sucks on the bottom one.

As quick as it began, Eddie's pulling away, and I'm stumbling backwards from shock and swooning. Eddie chuckles and catches me, his hands holding my shoulders as I look up at him with wide eyes.

"You okay?" He smirks. I nod and let out a breath.

"I think I need more practice." I murmur, not thinking since my brain has decided to retreat to my heart.

"I think I can teach you a few things, but let's take it slow, okay?" Eddie laughs, grabbing my jacket and bag for me as I shrug it on and get ready to leave. "Let me take you out somewhere tomorrow night."

I nod as we both make our way to the door, but I stop and spin around, causing Eddie to almost walk straight into me. "Now, let's go out tonight."

Eddie looks at me and tilts his head, "Fine by me sweetheart."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now