Imagine- Stealing Sketches

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I sit on Eddie's bed, my sketchbook on my lap as I chew on the end of my pencil, analysing the doodles I've been doing for the last hour.

Eddie quirks an eyebrow from his spot at his desk, he sits cross legged as he watches me with a strange look. He finally puts down the book he's reading and stands up, stretching his arms above his head so his tee lifts up a little. I force my eyes to not look, and I don't think about the fact that the idea of looking is ever so enticing.

"What're you drawing?" Eddie asks, snapping me out of my thoughts as he leans down, his face inches from mine as his ringer hand traces over the numerous doodles.

"Nothing really, just silly pictures." I mumble, staring at the way his jaw looks, at the curve of his Adams apple, at the chain around his neck and lower...

"Eyes up here sweetheart, unless you want me to be your model." He winks. I scoff but blush anyway. Eddie leans back, taking the sketchbook with him.

He waves it in the air and asks "Is this important?" I shake my head and begin to explain that it's just for doodles, but the sound of Eddie ripping out the page stops me. He folds up my page and slips it into his jeans pocket.

I open my mouth but decide against it, sighing I stand up and grab my book off of him before grabbing my jacket and saying goodbye.


The next day I'm sitting in the library for lunch, when a familiar shadow leans over the table. I smile and put my book down.

"So, I did a thing." Eddie grins, sitting on the table. The librarian gives him a dirty look so he gets off and sits in a chair opposite me instead.

"Eddie, I told you, you can't just take in any animal you find just because they look like strays." I sigh.

Eddie narrows his eyes for a second but then shrugs off his jacket. He rolls up his Hellfire sleeve, exposing his arm of tattoos, I frown then look closer, seeing an exact replica of one of my doodles.

My eyes widen as I grab his arm, Eddie "Oomfs" as I practically drag him across the table, I bring his arm closer to my eyes before dropping it.

"Why would you do that? My drawings are shit." I exclaim. The librarian stares at me so I repeat the question in a whisper.

Eddie shrugs and grins as he leans back, rolling his sleeve back down. "I thought it looked cool, and I wanted a new tattoo anyway."

There's so reasoning with this man. I crack a smile and shake my head, "I guess I'm permanently stuck with you." I murmur.

Eddie nods, but a strange look crosses his face for a second. His eyes almost look at me...lovingly?

"I guess you are." He muses, waving off my comment as if he's hiding something.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now