Imagine- Call Me

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I finally get home and flop on my bed, glad that the week is finally over. Not that I have any plans for tonight or the rest of the weekend, but still.

"Hey Sweetheart, you there?" A scratchy voice says from my bag.

My mouth tilts up as I roll off of my bed and grab my walkie talkie from my bag, I press the button down and reply. "Hey to you too handsome."

Eddie's chuckle fills the room, and I smile knowing he's probably sitting on his bed, running a hand through his hair.

"How was your day?" Eddie asks, and I hear the sound of a lighter.

"It was good, I'm guessing yours not so much?" I say, knowing Eddie only smokes when he's stressed or in a bad mood.

I hear him inhale before he replies. "You know me too well my darling Y/N, but let's not talk about that, I want to know what you're doing tonight."

I lay on my stomach to get more comfy, "Nothing, my parents have gone out on a weekend retreat, so I'll probably stay home."

Eddie mumbles something and I hear a shuffling noise, then a door shuts. "Want some company?" He asks, and if I know him as well as I think I do, he's putting on his shoes and is already making his way to me.

"No," I respond, and pause as the walkie goes silent.

"Oh, okay." Eddie finally says in a low voice, and I can't bear to tease him any longer.

"I'm joking, of course I want you to come over and ravish me." I laugh, rolling on my back and crossing my legs.

"Haha, Sweetheart I'm happy to oblige, should I grab us a movie from Family Video, Steve's working tonight so I can probably get it for free." Eddie asks as I hear his van door open and close.

"Sure, why don't we watch The Goonies?" I ask him hopefully.

"Again?" He sighs.

"Yeah, it's amazing! Don't get antsy just because I said you remind me of Mikey." I smirk to myself.

Eddie's voice raises a few octaves, "I didn't get antsy!" I can picture him sitting there, eyebrows raised in defiance as he glares at the walkie sitting in the passenger seat.

"Alright!" I laugh.

"I'll bring back a selection then, plus some snacks." Eddie mumbles as the van starts.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." I reply.

"See you soon sweetheart." He says and I turn the walkie talkie off, rushing downstairs to set up some blankets and pillows.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now