Valentine's Day Heacanon

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AN: Happy Valentine's Day to every one of my readers! I appreciate you all so much and you always bring a smile to my face when I see your lovely comments and reactions♡
Lots of love from me and Eddie!

Eddie hates Valentine's Day, he always judges the couples who kiss throughout the day and who act all in love, thinking it won't last, and that it's all a capitalist idea.

However, when he gets into a relationship with you, he suddenly feels differently. He wants to show he loves you, and worries that anything he does won't be enough. He talks to Steve shyly and gets some advice, but Eddie as always wants to be a little different to everyone else.

A week before the big day, he begins studying in the library more and more, but he refuses to tell you what it's all about. Secretly he's been reading origami books, learning how to make paper flowers. At night he stays up, ripping pages out of his notebook to practice, frustrated when it doesn't work. He gets anxious the night before Valentine's, but he stays up late finishing the paper bouquet and making your card.

He picks you up in the morning, giving you an extra hug and kiss, mumbling "Happy Valentine's Day" before you both go to school. He acts casual the whole day, still clingy but not the other couples. Just when you lose faith and begin to feel disheartened, at the end of the day he gives you the flowers and card, as well as an odd plushie he bought you.

He drops you off at your house, telling you to get ready and he'll pick you up in a few hours. In the evening he comes and picks you up again, and takes you to Lovers Lake. In the back of his van he sets up a cute, cosy space with a picnic, candles and blankets, where you both sit with your feet hanging out of the doors.

The moon shines brightly on the lake, and the breeze is quite warm, you both laugh and joke, kissing and cuddling, enjoying the sounds of the nature and each others company. Eddie tells you he loves you, and that you're the best thing that's ever happened to him.

Optional: Since you're both completely alone, Eddie initiates some spicy time under the stars...

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