Couple Trend Headcanon

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AN: I keep seeing loads of edits with this trend on TikTok, so I thought I'd see if I can make it work here. I've inserted my own version of the trend plus a few more 'questions', and I'd love to read your answers of it!

Moon: Me
Sun: Eddie

Black cat: Me
Golden Retriever: Eddie

Talks: Eddie
Listens: Me

Obsessed with: Books and Reading
Obsessed with: DnD, playing his guitar

Morning Person: -----
Night owl: Both

Plans everything: Me
Spontaneous: Eddie, but it depends on what it is.

Introvert: Me
Extrovert: Eddie

Tea: Me
Coffee: Eddie, but he prefers Mountain Dew.

Hogs all the blankets: Me
Ends up smothering the other: Eddie

The clingy one: Eddie
The reluctant one: Me

ENFP: Eddie (according to PersonalityDatabase)

The clumsy one: Me
The one who shakes their head: Eddie, until he ends up tripping over his own feet, so it kind of makes things even.

Cries at: Sad books and movies (Me)
Cries at: Stupid people and sometimes life (Eddie)

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