Chapter 201 Yam (four)

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"Girl Xiao, what is yam, why have I never heard of this?" General Xie asked.

"Master II, have you really never heard of yam?"

"Really not, have you heard of Old Fan?"

Fan Lao shook his head when he heard General Xie's words. Professor Zhang and Professor Wang also shook their heads.

Uh... I didn't expect that the yam has not been discovered yet, so how should we explain the dishes made with yam today?

After my brain worked quickly, I finally thought of a very bad reason, so I said: "Master, I also saw this yam in a book. The book says that it is not only edible, but also a traditional Chinese medicine. Today, I just found it when I went up the mountain, so I dug some and came back to eat."

When Mr. Fan heard that the yam was still a traditional Chinese medicine, he asked, "Little girl, do you remember how the yam was introduced in that book?"

"Master, I have to think about it first, and see if I can remember all the content, you first have soup and cakes."

Seeing that the four masters picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started drinking soup, they found a stool and sat down, and then lowered their heads to pretend that they were thinking hard. In fact, the thoughts at this moment have already floated to outer space.

After ten minutes, seeing that the masters had eaten and drank enough, they said, "Master, I remember."

When Mr. Fan heard it, he immediately said, "Little girl, come here, master, and master and talk about this yam."

Hearing what Elder Fan said, he got up from the stool and walked to his place, then said: "Yam, alias: potato medicine, has the effects of replenishing qi and nourishing yin, spleen, lung and kidney, and strengthening essence. Indications of spleen deficiency syndrome, lung deficiency syndrome, kidney deficiency syndrome, qi and yin deficiency syndrome.

Harvest time: When the leaves are yellow after frost.

Processing method: take the original medicinal materials, remove impurities, separate the large and small strips, soak 3-4 to become thorough, remove, moisten until thorough, cut into thick slices, and dry.

Edible method: Soup, steaming and stir-frying (the functions of yam written above are all searched for a certain degree, just look at it.)

After listening to the introduction of yam, Mr. Fan pondered for a while, and then said: "Little girl, if the effect of yam written in that book is true, then this yam is a good thing!"

After listening to Fan Lao’s words, General Xie immediately said: "Sao Xiao, although I don’t understand the medicinal value of yam you mentioned, I just ate the yam in the yam ribs soup. It tastes better than sweet potatoes and eats more. It won’t burn like sweet potatoes."

"Second master, your feeling is right. No matter how much you eat, this yam will not have any side effects, so long-term consumption is not harmful, but it is good for the body.

After hearing this, General Xie sighed and said, "Hey...If the world is not good now, I will find a place to grow this yam so that I can eat this yam all the time. I really like it. this thing."

After hearing these words, Professor Wang also spoke: "I also like to eat this yam very much. It not only tastes good, but also full."

After hearing the words of General Xie and Professor Wang, Mr. Fan said: "You want to eat yam. I also want to study whether the medicinal properties of this yam are the same as the book says."

After listening to the words of a few masters, he opened his mouth and said: "Masters, I found this yam on the mountain. There is still a large piece of yam that has not been dug up. If you dig it out all winter, you won't be able to finish it.

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