007 | Hongjoong | Little Rabbit

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Gore | Angst | Fluff | Fantasy | Wolf Au

「Synopsis」 : Just trying to fit in, the label 'Luna' seems to be a bit harder to fill than you thought...How would react to their bunny hybrid mate getting hurt?

Paring : Wolf!Hongjoong x Bunny!Reader

[Warnings] : Blood, Reader getting punched and kicked, swearing, ribs breaking, slight insanity, class ranking shit, Hongjoong goes full Alpha mode. If I missed something let me know. 

Part 4 To the Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!reader Series

Part 4 To the Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!reader Series

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The word Alpha came with a heavy toll. But as long as those who were given the label stuck up for themselves and their pack. Any wolf that became to such a title would receive the highest praise and respect. And so would their Partner, their lover, their soulmate. Their... Luna.

You are Hongjoong's Luna.

But the catch was. You were no wolf. No. And to most, they weren't phased by the idea of you being their Luna. Most found comfort in you, especially Hongjoong's brothers. They all loved you dearly. They didn't see a difference, between a wolf and a hybrid. Heck, some of the things you did make them question if you weren't a wolf in your past lives. But others. Lower pack mates did not think so highly of you. Some even went as far as to try and get you to leave the pack so their alpha can have a 'proper' Luna to look after his and the pack's needs.

You were just minding your own business, collecting some papers from the far-end library that sits on the pack grounds. You needed them for a meeting Hongjoong would be having later on in the week with some other wolf packs. But as soon as you entered the room you spot three of the female wolves that have made it clear over many occasions, that they don't like you. Heading straight for the filing cabinets in the far back, you just try to ignore them. Avoiding their paths as much as possible. But the red-haired one spotted you, calling over the blonde and another dark-haired she-wolf.

"Hey, Rabbit." The blonde whistled, jumping over the counter to stand next to you. She lent down the same way you were standing, pretending to look interested in the files as much as you were. They liked to call you rabbit, they would say it to make sure you remember your place in the pack chain. You weren't their Luna or their leader's mate, no. You were nothing more than a small scared rabbit that they get to use as their plaything.

"What do you want Red." The irony is that the deep orange-haired wolf was named Red, maybe she did that to herself on purpose.

"Oh did you just speak to me?" Red laughed kicking the back of your knees making your legs buckle so you'd fall back on your ass. You don't know why you even try to talk, it always ends up with them hurting you verbally. But this time the tension was becoming more physical. You didn't dare to stand up, not yet anyway. It's not that you didn't want to fight back, but one thing you've learned with wolves is that if their prey —in this case, you—don't fight back or try to run, they'll lose interest quickly.

"I'm getting quite tired of you speaking down to me Rabbit." She spits on the floor kicking you square in the stomach before grabbing a fistful of your hair, pulling your face to her eye level as she leans down. "You are nothing more than the dirt under my shoe."

Your mouth curled into a smile, letting out a chuckle. It's a laugh so sinister that the three girls could assume you've retched insanity at this point. You looked at Red in the eyes with annoyance. Anger even. You are so tired. Tired of the torment. Tired of all the harassment. For months all you've had are these three completely poor excuses for she-wolves. And now you've had enough.

"It must be sad that your wish to become Luna was never going to happen..." You grumbled, standing up straight now, becoming eye level with her. "Then again if any of the brothers had to have you as a mate they would beg the moon goddess to change it." She saw blood at your words punching you in your lower stomach, making you cough out. Her foot connected with your belly, and then the soul of her foot stomped on your back.

"You disgusting rabbit. I'll kill you. You hear that!" She screams the other two girls began to laugh and cheer her on, joining in with kicking you. You felt with ribs snapping, blood spilling out of your mouth, filling in your lungs as you feel like you were breathing underwater. Maybe snapping back wasn't a good idea, but the shocked expressions were worth it. You didn't want them to see you as a weak link. You didn't want to be seen as a lower class. But then again do you really care?

"Come on Blondey, you gonna let Red do all the work." You fall back onto your ass leaning against the wall behind you. You spit some blood onto the floor, some dripping down your chin and out your nose. You turned from looking at the ash-blonde to the amber-haired. "What about you, how are you coping with the fact Seonghwa got a mate?"

"or how San just found his." You smirk at the blonde. "and Mingi, Jongho, you know now that I think about it. They all have a mate now. And here you all are..." You bang your head against the wall, closing your eyes slowly, dropping your smile. The three wolves just stand there shocked. One baring a slacked jaw, no longer making eye contact with anyone. The others with their folded arms over their chests, visibly judging the situation with scrunched brows. A wave of tiredness calms you, making your head dip, becoming heavy.

"Are they..." Blondey spoke up with a sudden shock, seeing how your body begins to limp over. You were losing blood quickly, you were slowly falling in and out of consciousness. Before the three could even say anything to one another two large male wolves, Yunho and Mingi break the front door, that they had locked, open. Hongjoong runs in pushing slightly past the two giants. The scene looks like something out of a thriller, where the cop barges in on the killer. Anger surged through him, scowling at the blood. His teeth were bared, and rapid breathing infected his lungs.

"Take them to the dungeon." Hongjoong didn't even listen to their pleas, claiming it was a joke gone wrong, a big misunderstanding. But when Red said 'if you didn't speak up none of this would have happened' made him snap grabbing her neck, he lifted her off the ground, her legs dangling as her nails scratched at his knuckles that are turning a shade of white around her jugular.

"You do not deserve to breathe the same air as my Luna, let alone live in their presence. Be lucky I'm sparing you, otherwise, your blood would be the one covering this floor right now." He was cold and cruel, his eyes glowing a bright deep gold mixed with crimson. His alpha voice scared everyone, including his brothers. No one has dared to disobey him, let alone hurt what belonged to him. Mingi and Yunho walked the girls out while Yeosang came running in with a bag. A brown satchel that you would carry all your healing herbs in. Hongjoong fell to his knees next to you. Bringing your body into his, your heart was still beating, which made him sigh in relief at the sound. He stoked your head as a lone tear escaped him. Yeosang sat on the other side of you, starting to treat you while you lay near cold. Thank god Hongjoong demanded someone come find you when he did otherwise he feared the worse if you were felt untreated for any longer.

"I'm here now Bunny. I have you. You're safe. I'm so... so sorry."


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