028 | Reaction Ateez And Their Hybrid s/o

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Smut | Angst | Fluff | Fantasy | Hybrid Au

「Synopsis」 : What if Wolf!Ateez wanted to F*ck their hybrid soulmate in front of all their pack members? Let's find out.

Paring: Wolf!Ateez x Hybrid!Reader [Not apart of the wolf x bunny series]

[Warnings] : Name calling, Pet names, Suggestive content like Sex. Getting railed in front of other people. Swearing. Skinny dipping, mentions of being on heat, riding, orgasms. Uh, mentions of threesomes... 


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Let's face it, you knew exactly what you were doing. Standing too close to Mingi so your shoulders would touch. Sitting in between San and Wooyoung on the couch, making them laugh so they would end up throwing their arms around you, landing on your thighs every so often. Your orange ears were perked at Seonghwa's deep voice, and you let Jongho pat your fluff tail when Hongjoong knew how sensitive it was. You were a minx all day just to see what your darling alpha would do and when he finally snapped you did not expect him to throw you on the couch in front of his pack mates that were lounging about. And you definitely didn't expect him to use his alpha voice to make you strip in front of them. But let's face it you were shaking at the sheer pleasure of getting fucked with an audience. The members were red in their faces and panting at the sight of you, tongue hanging and drool dripping onto the floor. Hongjoong was smirking like a cat while smacking your ass while he pounded you from behind. He kept saying this was your punishment for flirting with his friends but let's face it, no one thought this was a punishment and everyone would be damned if they wished for it to become a regular thing.

"You want to be such a slut for my members, why don't you show them exactly what a whimpering brat you can be."


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You were snuggled against Seonghwa sitting on the floor of the large lounge room in the pack manor that Yunho's family owns. You were having a night in from the heavy storm, so the boys thought that playing some video games would be fun. So here you all sat either on the couches or layered blankets that covered the carpeted floor. Seonghwa softly played with your cotton tale making you shiver in delight, enjoying his warm touch on your fluffy appendage but Wooyoung's loud voice was ruining the peaceful evening with this constant bickering and pleading for one of you to play with him on the racing game he was playing. He kept telling Seonghwa he was lazy and that he felt sorry for you having such a useless mate. Your ears frowned, falling on either side of your head at the harsh words, but Seonghwa whispered softly to you that it was okay. And he was right they were just words, but when spoke again it caused you both to freeze when Woo said, 'You're probably lazy in bed too. Poor y/n gotta do all the work. Probably can't even please her right'

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