069 | Wooyoung | Stuck Together

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Romance | Suggestive | A Little Angst

Type: Wooyoung x AFAB!Reader

Warnings: The reader gets hurt, Wooyoung is hopelessly in love, some angsty in your feels but over all just one big sob fest.

Synopsis: Being snowed in with the boy you had a crush on since you were kids can't be that bad right?

Synopsis: Being snowed in with the boy you had a crush on since you were kids can't be that bad right?

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It was just one hit after another. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. It was supposed to be a great Christmas at Wooyoung's family cabin with all the members. But the snow set in too fast, leaving you and Wooyoung to be the only ones at the cabin. To be fair, Wooyoung begged for you to come with him a day earlier to set up for the boy's arrival. Little did you both know, the weather wasn't going to be kind to you, leaving snow to build upon all the exists and roads for miles.

"Well Guess it's just you and me Doll." He smiled while staring out the window at all the built-up snow. That was only two days ago now... You've been stuck with him, and everything that could go wrong went wrong. Power out for a couple of hours, the water system running cold for a day and to top it off, you fell over from melted snow seeping out one of the kitchen windows that was left open, leaving you with a sprained shoulder and bruised leg. Wooyoung lit a fire in the fireplace to keep the house alight —thank god the heating was still working—. He went around lighting all the candles he could find, making the cabin glow in a light orange hue.

He told you to go for a shower to help your sprain but when you tried taking off your clothes you could get your shirt over your head. Everything was so wrong, and all you wanted was a perfect Christmas but all you got was being stuck with a guy you had a huge crush on since you were kids and sore limbs. You contemplated for a while, leaning against the sink, in your underwear and shirt hooked off one arm. Tears breaking from your eyes, you hiccupped before calling out.

"Wooyoung....Youngie!!!!" You called louder the second time in hopes you could get his attention. He came immediately stopping right outside the bathroom door.

"Bear...You okay." He held out the door handle, calling out the nickname he gave when since you were kids. He could hear your sniffles, wanting nothing more than to help you. But you had to give him permission to come inside first.

"Woo...I need you—" You didn't even finish your sentence before Wooyoung stepped inside. Concern filled in his eyes. You look up at him with glossy tears, making him wipe your cheeks with a soft smile. He could immediately tell you were in need of help, running his thumb over your puffy cheek.

"I'm going to take this off now okay, try and not tense." His voice was soft and reassuring. His hands graze over your skin as he pulls the fabric slowly off your body. Your cheeks redden with blush, feeling embarrassed that this was how Wooyoung was going to see you naked for the first time. His eyes never left yours, keeping a serious yet comforting expression the whole time. His fingers hook on your panties non-verbally asking if you were okay. You nod as he finishes undressing you. Your arm wrapped over your chest, as he turns to put the water on making sure it's warm enough for you to enter without hassles.

"Thank you." You whisper, going to step into the shower but you step on your sore leg, sending a sharp pain through your thigh. You hiss, falling slightly before Wooyoung caught you, gripping tight on your waist.

"Hey, it's okay..." He begins to speak but stops as he starts stripping himself, leaving on only his boxers. He steps into the shower, holding you close to him. The water hit your bareback, making you let out a sigh. Your good hand gripped his shoulder, while the other sits on his chest, holding yourself up. He begins to wash you, pouring your vanilla soap on your body. He took his time, being careful not to hurt you. Your tears made your eyes puffy and cheeks red, but all Wooyoung could see was beauty. Every curve, every blemish, every stretch mark and bruise. You were perfect to him. He loved you so much, and his ego was boosted at the fact you were letting him help you. This moment was sensual, something only two people that deeply in love with one another would do. Yet you were comfortable enough to allow him to see it.

"Doll listen I'm not just saying this cause, ah...I'm currently standing in the shower with you..." He blabbered, a tint of red fanning over his cheeks. "I-I've kinda had a crush on you and I think this was the most...uh best time than ever...I guess what I...I just—Wooyong stop." You cut him off, chuckling lightly as the soap washes off your body.

"I like you do idiot, but you seriously have the worst timing..." You laughed, leaning your face against his chest. His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you closer, leaving a light kiss on your forehead feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach.

"I guess being stuck together wasn't so bad after all."


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