015 | Ot8 | Was That Enough?

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Angst | Fluff

Type: ot8 Ateez x reader (Poly Relationship)

Warnings: Some angst, reader has body image issues. Lots of fluff, all the members being the best boyfriends in the world.

Synopsis: After the world finds out ateez are no longer available, some antis have negative comments which leads to the reader thinking she's not enough.

Synopsis: After the world finds out ateez are no longer available, some antis have negative comments which leads to the reader thinking she's not enough

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You were off all day, they all knew it. That's why Hongjoong offered for you to come with the group to practice rather than you spending your time alone. None of them wanted to leave you alone. That's how you ended up sitting on the black leather in the corner of the practice room while the boys all did some more dance practice.

San and Wooyoung were the first to wander from the group when they were taking a 3-minute break. They always gave you affection together. They were inseparable, and with you in the mix, it was perfect for them.

"Hey, sweetheart." They both purred cuddling up to you to check if you were okay. The first indication of your sadness was not returning their goofy affection. You just sat there, not sad anymore, it was like all the crying from hours ago drained every emotion, leaving you feeling empty, numb...

"Doll, hey, please look at me." Concern entered Wooyoungs voice, pulling your face up by your chin making your glassy eyes look at him and San. They've never seen you like this before.

"Hyung! Come here for a sec..." Sans words made all the boys turn heads, seeing your figure slump against Woo. Seonghwa instantly came over crouching in front of you, placing his hand over your cheek.

"You okay Princess..." His words were soft and motherly, if any of the members needed something they knew Seonghwa could get it out of you. But it didn't seem to be working.

"Honey," "Tiny?" "Darling," ....

All the boys came over at this point trying to get your attention. Looking at all of them you see their caring faces. How did all these men love you? You weren't the prettiest. There are so many female idols they would have instead of you.

Seeing all the comments about your appearance ever since Ateez confirmed they were all dating someone. (Not even letting Atinys know they are all with the same person and dating each other). But some antis started talking about your appearance even without seeing what you looked like.

You never liked what you looked like, and having millions of eyes on you took the cake. But the one thing you didn't think about was how much love you were getting from each other these men. They all loved you so much, and they were willing to do anything for you. No matter what you looked like. Was that enough?

"I'm s-sorry..." was the first thing you said, finally coming back to reality, falling into Seonghwa's arms, crying lightly. He patted your head, getting all the members to comfort you.

"There's our baby." Yunho smiles seeing your eyes peek over Seonghwa's shoulder.

"Hey, bun." Mingi gave a gummy smile while opening his arms put letting you move from Seonghwa to Mingi. You curled yourself in the big man's lap while he leaned against the couch.

"What happened sugar?" Yeosang asked, stroking your hair, while everyone sat in a circle. Putting their attention on you. You began explaining your thoughts, you didn't want to worry them but they would have kept pushing.

"Hey Angel is okay, we all knew this was going to happen once we all confirmed our relationship status. We are sorry you feel like this, but you mean so much to us. We are here for you, no matter what others think." Hongjoongs words were just what you needed. Reassurance.

Leaving Mingi's lap, you hugged Hongjoong, saying thank you, making the others giggle at your cuteness. You all stay like that for a moment, moving to Jongho and Yeosang while Hwa, Joong and Yun all went to get food for all of you. The boys spent the rest of the night keeping close attention to you.

Playing games, making you laugh, with little sneaky sexy comments from San to try and boost your ego. It wasn't much, but you knew when it came to all of them. Their love was enough.


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