052 | Wooyoung | It Was Just A Joke

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Angst | Heartache | Sad Times :(

Type: Wooyoung x Gn!Reader

Warnings: Death, details of a brain shutting down, Cancer, Hospitals, lots of sad stuff. This could be triggering, please do not read if you get triggered easily :(

Synopsis: It was just an innocent prank, that changed your lives forever.

Synopsis: It was just an innocent prank, that changed your lives forever

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It all happened so fast. It was supposed to be one big joke. Something to look back on and laugh at but the timing was not on his side. You had come home so stressed, just like every other time you were to leave your terrible nine-to-five job. He was waiting in the lounge to make his attack but when he did, it was not the way he planned. Words were spat everywhere, most of it neither of you meant. But as the yelling got louder and the repeat of 'it was just a joke' played around the room, you felt like you couldn't take anymore. Your headache was pounding more than ever, and you began to feel unbearable nausea. Wooyoung stopped as soon as he saw the colour leave your face. Running towards you, his arms wrapped around your waist as you fell, darkness consuming your vision.

That was a month ago, Wooyoung called an ambulance as soon as you hit the floor. The doctors put you through the emergency, starting tests and putting an i.v drip in. Everything was going to be okay, you are just exhausted, Wooyoung tried to keep telling himself. But when the doctor came in with a pleaded face, he knew you hadn't just passed out from stress. The doctor's words kept playing in Wooyoung's head, Glioblastoma... Brain cancer.

The doctor asked how no one was able to notice the cancer earlier but Wooyoung laid out a heavy heart, saying you never liked Hospitals and avoided them as much as you could, what a foolish thing. You were unable to have surgery, or even chemo as you were already at stage 4. Wooyoung tried to make the best of it, bringing you all your favourite things. Reading to you. Feeding you. Even taking you on strolls around the hospital. The doctors felt pity for him, they knew you were already gone, as one of the tumours sat tight in your frontal lobe, eliminating any forms of proper human function.

The sun was out, but it was not hot. The cool breeze keeping anyone from sweating, and the sounds of a small bird's song bring calmness to those around. Wooyoung took you on your last stroll around the park outside the hospital, stopping at the edge where the bond starts. The ducks greeted him just like every day for the past month, quacking a little to ask politely for some food. But Wooyoung didn't have anything for them today, he didn't pack a picnic like he usually does. He didn't bring you a bunch of flowers that he was sure the nurses started getting angry at him for the amount you had in your room.

No, he sat there, on his knees, with his heart in pieces. 'this is my fault' he thought over and over. 'If I didn't push you, didn't prank you, saw the signs, I could have stopped this'. But the truth was, neither of you would have guessed this was your fate. Emotionless with no movement or ability to speak. But sit there, watching the world go by without any sort of power. He had to say goodbye, he needed to hear your voice again, see the joy in your eyes, feel your touch. But that was stripped away, leaving a shell. A shell he took care of for a month, a shell he is kneeling in front of, trying to get to speak back at him. A shell that he rests his head on its lap as he cries. Crying for a way to go back, crying for you. He was broken, but what he felt most of all....

"I'm sorry..."


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