073 | Yunho | Do You?

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Fluff | Angst if you squint

「Synopsis」 : Secrets are for reasons, but was this one worth it.

Paring: Bestfriend!Yunho x Gn!Reader

[Warnings] : None, Yeosang gets angry aha, confession, uncertainty.

It was like you were trying to keep your relationship a secret but it happened so suddenly and since you were both best friends it wasn't something to just announce

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It was like you were trying to keep your relationship a secret but it happened so suddenly and since you were both best friends it wasn't something to just announce. Yunho and you were comfortable even before dating. From an outsider, they would take a glance at you both and say you were a couple but you both pushed to say you weren't. now that you think about it, you both never really had a talk about becoming 'official'. Yunho just one day kissed you and said he loved you with you replying the same and the rest is history. It was a normal day hanging out in the boy's dorm when you both were first invaded with the question.

"So are you two dating? Or not?" Yeosang said bluntly since no one else was willing to speak up about the newfound closeness. You were sitting on Yunho's lap while he was playing some random video game with Mingi on the t.v. you were just napping innocently, nothing more but Yeosang was getting too curious about the over-affection you two were sharing.

"What are you talking about?" Yunho simply replies, not taking his eyes on the screen in front of him.

"You know." He waved his hand gesturing to you laying on Yunho. "That isn't a friend thing. Even for the two of you." He scoffs with a raised eyebrow, crossing his arms while sitting on the couch opposite the both of you. Yunho just smirks, purposely ignoring him. You however your wide awake, even though you didn't move a muscle. You wanted to know how Yunho would go about the situation.

"Are we all just gonna just ignore this?" Yeosang got up in frustration, walking off down the hall. This left Yunho, Mingi, and San. Along with you of course. The three boys continued playing until they finished their match. You stayed still as Yunho lent back against the couch, shifting into a new position, making sure to not disturb you.

"So is it a thing?" Mingi pointed to your figure.

"Is it a big deal or something?" Yunho asked.

"Oh no, no. We are just curious. You guys are friends, best friends and now all of a sudden you've become more. It just makes us curious...that's all." San, sounding serious for the first time for once. Yunho didn't mean to make it seem like such a touchy subject. But when weeks have gone by with all of them just asking over and over again when in reality, you both didn't know at those times.

The time when you were sitting at the dinner table just talking while giggling lightly, Yunho kept placing his hand on your thigh. The action first made Seonghwa question. And then another time when Hongjoong caught you both whispering to each other in the kitchen while cooking. You lent in a little too close almost locking lips with Yunho but moved before it could happen. And topping it off, Jongho caught you trying on clothes in front of Yunho for an event you were going to be attending and walked in at the worse time when you were only in underwear.

Again... it's not that you want to keep the relationship a secret it was complicated and having the others prying on it would make it worse. You wanted to go slow and at the same have the thrill of riding a rollercoaster. Yunho and you both loved each other deeply but the transition from best friends that would do everything together and have no secrets to all of a sudden having all this tension with one another. It was exhilarating.

"We were trying to figure it out ourselves. It's not like we are pretending but it's new but I...." Yunho's words got caught in his throat, making Mingi speak up.

"You love them?" He asks. You feel your breath shorten, trying to stay still while listening to the conversation carefully. Yunho took a moment, his arms resting on your lower back, now holding you a little tighter than before.

"I do...I love them..." He whispers in reply, making Mingi and San smile brightly at him. You shift making him loosen his grip on you. Your hands move to his chest as you sit up slightly so you can see him.

"Morning sleepy hea—" His words got caught in his mouth as you lock your lips with his. Mingi gasps while San started laughing lightheartedly. You felt his soft lips move with your own, his left hand moved to cup your cheek and the other holds your thigh. You pull away making him chase you slightly. You give him a smile before speaking in a whisper that only the room could hear;

"I love you too."


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