042 | San | Pillow Fight

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Fluff | Suggestive | Slight crack if you squint.

Warnings:  fingering, grinding, making out.


Sannie: can't wait. See you at 2 ;)

You close your phone and get ready to leave. The boys are having a movie night and decided to invite you as well. You have been friends with the boys ever since Yunho introduced you to them. You and Yunho have been friends since you two were kids so meeting the boys was bound to happen sooner or later.

As you drive to their house, you grab any snacks we might need for the movie/sleep overnight. Getting there in no time you struggle over, holding bags of food and your bag for the night. Knocking (loudly) you await an answer. To no surprise, San answers, with no shirt on. Typical

"Hey, you're here early, the boys aren't even back yet??" He spoke with a husky tone, probably from napping before your arrival.

"Well, you did say two?" You spoke up as he let you in, showing you to the kitchen to place all the goodies down.

"Oops did I? I mean to say 4 ha." He didn't sound too convincing but you brushed it off, starting to unpack the bags. San helps out and by helping himself, going through the bag until he finds something he wants to snack on.

"Ahh, you got chocolate, yess!!" He jumps. You smile at his goofiness, happy that you could satisfy his sweet tooth.

"Yes, I thought you might want some. I also got a bunch more things but before you dig into anything. Have you set up the lounge room for tonight?" You ask.

"Oh...no..." he smiles weakly. You roll my eyes.

"Okay well, let's do that first." You scoff at him with a smile. He looked up from the bags and nods heading to the hallway cupboard. He hands you a bunch of super soft blankets, getting you to take them to the lounge. Laying them out on the floor nicely, creating a makeshift bed on the floor since you all won't fit on the couch. You lay down to test your work to see if it's comfy. Which it is.

"Ahhh." You sigh getting comfy on the floor. San walks in with some pillows throwing them on top of you and the couch.

"Hey!!" You said grabbing the pillow that hit your face, throwing it back at him. He stops his actions, turning his attention to you.

Uh oh...

"Did you just..." he looks at you in disbelief, glancing over at the weapon you just threw at him. Before any more words were spoken you bolt down the hallway, taking a pillow with you just in case.

"COME HERE!!!" San screams after you, grabbing his own pillow, following close behind. You make it do a door, which leads to what you could guess, San and Yunho's room. Hopping into the closet, you try your best to be quiet. Holding the pillow to your mouth, you giggle at the noises of San yelling for you outside.

San walks in, opening the door slightly, trying to be as quiet as a mouse. You peek through the crack of the door to try and scout where he might be. To your eyes, he's in the middle of the room in between both of the unmade beds.

"Oh, where are you, Princess." He cooed out. You hold your breath, trying your hardest to come up with a plan, then a perfect one hits you.

"Ahh!!!" You scream, laughing while tackling him to the bed behind him. You hit him with the pillow, holding him down by sitting on his lap.

"Okay, I give up haha." He chuckles throwing his pillow away and placing his hands up above his head.

"I win." You say with a cheeky tone. You both laugh for a moment until you both start calming down. Sans hands slowly glide up your legs until they sit on your waist. The sudden notice of what is going on finally hits you. You're straddling San.. on a bed...

"Well, this is new." He flirts. You let out a small giggle not wanting to lose your composure. You feel a tingle, butterflies in your stomach as you look at San laying under you. Staring at you with those eyes that could get any fan begging. He seems to notice your stare and shoots you a smirk in response.

"Wanna know something y/n." He whispers.

"What?" You reply. He sits up slowly, his hands travelling up your waist as he raises his face towards yours.

"You should never..." He whispers against your lips, so close to the touch. He suddenly pushes you down, your head just about to hang off the end of the bed. San throws the pillow and starts hitting you with it.

"Never bring your guard down in a pillow fight." You huff out 'stop' over and over knowing you just lost your victory.

"See, I'm the winner." He leans down trapping you with his body. He leans closer to you, staring into your deep eyes.

"You are so beautiful." He slips out. You give him a giggle, blush forming all over your cheeks, reddening the tips of my ears. You slowly lose yourself in his eye, breaking all moral senses you grab his neck pulling him down to close the gap between your lips.

He gladly accepts your actions deepening the kiss. Pulling at his hair, he pulls at your shorts hoops, bringing your bodies closer. A whimper at the friction, as he grinds down onto you.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that, Princess." He pulls away, sitting up onto his knees, you move with him pushing back so he falls against the bed's headboard, straddling his lap.

He looks at you in pure lust, watching my every move. You smirk at him and kiss his neck softly, beginning to grind on him. he gifts you a low growl, holding your hips tightly.

"Is that why you asked me to come at 2 rather than 4?" You had the feeling that was the case and this moment just confirmed it.

"Well uh.." He was caught and didn't know what to say. You just smile and kiss him again, grinding harder on him. His hand travels from your waist to your stomach inching to the top of your panties. He slides in hand swiftly into your shorts, gliding his finger over you covered folds hidden behind your underwear.

"Uh, S-San.." You mutter. He plays with your covered clit, teasing you. You grip his shoulders, moving your hips with his fingers. He lowly chuckles moving your panties to the side and slipping a finger into you.

"San.mmhm." Your head falls to his broad shoulders, letting the pleasure guide your body. The world slips away and only San is in your thoughts.

"Princess I-." His words are cut short when a knock at the door is suddenly echoed through the dorm.

"San You awake!! We're home." You both freeze hearing Wooyoung's loud voice. You take a moment before San lets out a shit in annoyance. As you got to get off him you suddenly realise;

Isn't this Yunho's bed?


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