101 | Yunho | Figure You Out Pt.2

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Smut | Fluff | Angst | Mafia Au

Paring: Mob Boss!Yunho x Reader

[Warnings] : Mention of mafia work. Daddy issues. Mention of death. And dead husband.. Insecurities. San and Wooyoung have a little cameo. Making out. Hickeys. Fingering (f receiving). Some clit play. Panties breaking. Beefy 6'5 Yunho (cause that's a warning). Soft but rough sex. Emotions are all over the place and it's just a big mess. Dirty talk. Swearing. Sir kink. Sub reader. Soft Dom Yunho. Slight choking.

Part 1 can located on page 086 

You couldn't understand why you were tossing in your sleep, unable to find a peaceful slumber. Opening your eyes suddenly, you look around the dark room. Sweat covered your body making your bed sheets stick to your flesh. Thoughts were running on overdrive in your brain. You couldn't help it. Once you realise that you want the only thing you've only known and seen in your life it scared you... A relationship that your father has. Unloving. Being thrown around and manhandled. It shocks you. You tried so hard to be different, not following the path of your family. But yet you seem to crave the cruel side of life. Maybe you were more like your father than you wished.

"Miss Park..." You heard a small voice echo beyond your bedroom door. The door opens ajar, letting the light from the outside pool inside. You hummed letting the person who owned the voice know your presence. It still felt weird, to hear people reference you by your born name again. Park... Not Kim. It almost made you feel like you were widowed. Well, I guess that wasn't so far from the truth.

"I heard a commotion. Are you okay ma'am?" The fragile little maid that normally cleans the house while everyone is sleeping, comes in with concern on her face. You felt embarrassed really, she must have heard your night terrors.

"I'm fine. Just a bad dream." Your voice was groggy, scratchy like you'd been screaming for hours.

"Would you like me to find Mr Jeong? His meeting should be finished―Oh no, no that won't be necessary." You cut her off with a small―but fake―smile. She nodded with a slightly breathy 'okay' before taking her leave. And like that, you were in the dark again, quiet, lonely.

"Fuck...." You mutter under your breath, leaning over to grab your phone on the side table. It was three in the morning and you spot a missed call from none other than your father, probably wanting to discuss the fact you disappointed him yet again. Staring up to the ceiling for a moment you decided whether to bite the bullet or not, calling him back... You lazily throw your phone behind you, choosing to let him wait.

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