025 | Hurts like hell Pt.2

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Angst | Mafia Au | Fluff  | Suggstive

「Synopsis」 : After two whole years, you come back to the city where it all began. The irony of a high school reunion bringing more of your past back to you than you thought you'd ever see.

Paring: Mafia!Ateez Ot8 x Reader [Poly]

[Warnings] : alcohol, mention of cheating (fake), mention of death (it's a mafia au what do you expect haha), kissing, lots of tears, making out, swearing, a whole lotta 'I'm sorrys'. 

You were alone

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You were alone. Wondering through life with nothing holding onto. You were going underwater and no one was around to help you above the heavy waves. You were numb. Heartbreak ridding you of happiness... Or so you thought.

Through a bottle or two... Maybe three or four. You found at the end of it, you were just as unhappy as you were before you took the first sip. You needed a change. A change of scenery. A change of personality. A completely new life. So there you were two towns over. Maybe not a whole country away from the old you but this was just as good. A new apartment. New job. You even met some new people. They weren't friends. Not Family. But hey they were around when you were lonely. You liked your new life. Maybe not as much as you missed your old one. But you were trying. Fighting for a glimpse of happiness but mornings were still hard to wake and nights were just as restless as ever.

You were alone. Yes. But you tried.

It's been two whole years. You think you'd forgotten everything by now. But the biggest, deepest pain didn't seem to heal as quickly as everyone says it does. Fucking Liars...

Today was the day you went back home. Well, to the town that use to be home. Why you might ask? Your school was having a reunion and one thing that you promised, your high school friends at the time was that no matter what happened. No matter if you were or weren't friends in those ten years, you would all meet back at the reunion and see what new stories everyone had to tell. You were definitely not looking forward to it. But you aren't a person if you do not keep your word. So here you are walking down a familiar street that you use to walk almost every day. It was close to the evening already, the sun was just resting on the roofs of the tall buildings. The black blanket of the night would surely paint over the sky soon. You felt uneasiness in your stomach. Night means danger. Night brought them....

You see the bar that one of your old lovers owns. He would undoubtedly be there, like he was every Friday night, with you attached to his hip. But he probably has someone new. Like all of them. They most likely would have moved on. Not wanting anything to do with you. Spinning on the balls of your feet. You walked back in the direction you came, not wanting to pass that place. You chose to take the long way around the block. Not wanting to see him or any of the others.

"Didn't expect to ever see you again." You froze, feeling a sense of terror over you. The mellow seductive voice would make heads turn in awe. His smooth voice would make anyone melt, but at this moment all it did was stiffen your limbs and ache your heart. You turn slowly, eyes already watering, it was only when you made eye contact with him that tears slipped down your cheeks.

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