021 | OT8 | Overwhelming

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Fluff | Slightly Suggestive | But it's just a bunch of fluff

「Synopsis」 : Stressful days ruin your weeks but your boys know exactly how to help you relax.

Paring: Ot8! Ateez x Reader [Poly]

[Warnings] : Mentions about stress, Crying, mentions of reader being naked (bathing).

[Warnings] : Mentions about stress, Crying, mentions of reader being naked (bathing)

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Overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted. The three horsemen of the apocalypse and by apocalypse you mean your shitty day with your shitty job. All you wanted to do was go to dance practice or hang out in the studio. But nope, you were stuck at a job you didn't even want but you needed the extra money. Three more months... That's what you kept telling yourself. Three more and you can have enough money for your big trip and leave this godforsaken place.

You switched off the main lights, watching each one turn off one by one. The store was cleaned, all your duties were done and now you finally get to go home. You hated closing, being stuck in the store until eleven at night. All you wanted was for your boys, to get cuddled by San and Wooyoung, have a calming bath with Seonghwa as he gently rubs your back. Play some games with Mingi and Yunho while you occasionally switch between sitting on their laps. You wanted to sit with Yeosang in silence reading the same book together, breaking the silence ever so often to chat about it. You wanted to sit in the studio with Hongjoong, helping him with any new songs he's been making. And most of all you wanted to curl into bed with Jongho's large arm wrapped around you as you nuzzle into his bare chest, taking in the musky scent.

You weren't asking for much. Just the love of them. They were the only things on your mind as you drove home. They were the only things on your mind as you sluggishly walked to the front door of the dorm. They were the only things on your mind when—

"Angel." Hongjoong's voice melted like a siren song in your ears. You jump at him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he grips your waist.

"Oh hey, hey. Are you okay? We were getting worried, you didn't come home early like normal." His voice was soft as he guides you towards the lounge room.

"Sweetheart!! Doll!!" Wooyoung and San scream, jumping from their comfy cuddled position on the couch to run over to where Hongjoong was holding you in the door frame. The boys were quick to tackle you into a big hug. Questions were flying around as they all tried to get your attention. Seonghwa let a stern cough out making San and Wooyoung stop their blabbering in an instant. You moved away from your nuzzled position in Joong's chest to look at Hwa with a weak smile. His eyes grew soft at you, as he opened his arms for him to receive a hug.

"How about I make you a bath." His words came out like honey, holding you tight in his embrace. You broke, letting some tears out before replying;

"I'll like that...a-alot." You had a hiccup in your voice. You were so tired, and they were all so caring made it so much better. Seonghwa turned you around giving you to San. He and Wooyoung guided you to the couch sitting you down between them.

"I'll go make the bath, they can keep you company." He smiled kissing your forehead before walking off. San and Wooyoung were trying to kiss every part of your exposed skin, whispering how much they loved each part of you. They started getting competitive, but you were too sleepy to stop them. Mingi and Yunho however were more than happy to shoo them away saying 'They are too intense for you right now'. They were right but you didn't have the heart to tell them.

"Hey, Tiny, Hwa's got the bath ready for you. Do you want me to carry you?" Yunho whispered with a smile. Your eyes were half-closed as you made grabby hands to the large male. He just laughed at your actions, picking you up in a bridle position. He held you for a moment, letting himself and Mingi give you their own form of affection. Their lips kissed where San and Woo's were, but they were softer. More gentle.

He took a few strides to the bathroom seeing Seonghwa put the finishing touches of bath bombs and other goodies into the tub. He places you on the cold counter making you hiss out a whine. Yunho apologized with a kiss on your cheek before exiting the bathroom.

"You want me in or out?" Seonghwa always asked you that same question whenever he drew you a bath and time again it was the same answer.

"In...Please...." He helps you strip, slowly kissing each part of new skin that comes into his view. Man, these boys were nothing but simps for you. Guiding you off the counter he holds your forearm tight, lowing you into the bubbled hot heaven. You lean against the edge of the tub as you watch him with hooded eyes as he strips himself. Your heart pounded, you loved these boys so much. And all the care you get, some things you feel like you don't deserve it. He slips in behind you, letting your back lean against his chest. You close your eyes, letting your body relax into his.

He rubs your arms, then your sides, your shoulders and hips. His fingers graze every part of you, washing you with a damp washcloth. He kisses your cheeks, whispering softly how his day was and you telling him how yours went. You could spend eternity in there, but as the water turned cold and the bubbles all but popped, it was time to get out.

Seonghwa gave you one last kiss before he shooed you away so he could clean up. You walked into your room grabbing some clothes before feeling two arms snake around your exposed waist. Your towel dropped as it slipped out of your grasp, standing naked with a warm body behind you.

"Hey Darling, You smell nice..." Yeosang's voice was groggy like he had just woken up from a nap. You turn around in his grip, seeing his hair was all over the place. He definitely was asleep prior, and looking over to your bed —that is messy and unmade— you knew he's been sleeping in your bed...

"Again?" You asked with a smile, kissing his cheek lightly.

"My bed doesn't smell like you..." He grumbles, snuggling into your neck. You stayed like that for the moment, letting him hold you tight until you whispered saying you needed to get dressed. He sighed finally moving away. You both spoke briefly while you put on some clothes. He started chatting more as he woke up.

"Oh, Jongho came in here before while you were still in the bath. My guess he wanted you for something." And like that he left the room while you followed, parting ways once you got to the end of the hall. You make your way to Jongho's room, seeing the door was opened ajar. He's sitting on the edge of his bed, plugging his phone on charge.

"Bear..." You whispered, entering the room. He sat up with a sudden smile, walking over to you. His warm embrace engulfs you. You fall into him, letting him wrap your legs around his broad hips. He carries you to his large bed, dropping you with a huff. His body lies on top of you, letting him be your own human-weighted blanket. His fingers run through your hair, pecking kisses along the closes part of skin he could get to. Your eyes got heavy, nuzzling deeper into his shoulder. He lean lazily to pull the comforter over your body, moving around so he was on his back and you leaning your head on his chest.

"I love you..." You yawned in between your words, making him chuckle at out cute you sounded.

"I love you too, Honey."


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