138 | Yeosang | A Ride To Last A Lifetime

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Suggestive | Fluff


【Synopsis】 : Yeosang had begged for weeks for you to go for a ride with him... Caving in, you finally realize how pleasurable it is to ride his bike.

Pairing: Boyfriend!Yeosang x Girlfriend!Reader

[Warnings] : Edging. Swearing. Pet names. Mention sex. Cheeky Yeosang.

He would never pressure you, but oh did he beg

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He would never pressure you, but oh did he beg. Just one ride... one ride with him to see the city at night. He had been so excited to finally get a motorbike, and he desperately needed you to celebrate with him. Which of course required you to get on the thing. And it wasn't like you hated bikes or anything. You were just... scared.

"Come on, Baby, just one ride, please." He whispered in your ear while you were trying to do the dishes. His hot breath tickles your ear. You swear it sounds a lot more sinister when he had to practically moan in your ear for 'one ride.' God, can he make you frustrated, and after a few more nags and groans, you gave in and agreed. And oh, to see his face light up the way it did again would bring you so much joy. Because at the end of the day, even though you were terrified of these types of vehicles, he loved them. So you agreed for him, and the bright smile and passionate kiss he gave you in return was certainly payment enough.

"Okay, so you'll get on first and sit on the back here." He helped you guide yourself onto the beast. You were shaking like a leaf while trying to get your leg over, but once you were on, you could try and slow your heart by focusing on your breathing. "Are you sure you're okay with this doll?"

Even though he begged for who knows how long now, he didn't want to do something that made you uncomfortable. He was a loving partner in that aspect, always putting your needs first. "I'm okay, just hurry and get one." You wanted him on quickly so you could wrap yourself around him. And surely, as he mounts the bike, your arms immediately find their place, hugging Yeosang's waist.

Yeosang did one last check of your gear and helmets before finally turning the bike on. The roar of the engine sent shock waves through your body. Were these things always this loud? He walked the bike out of the garage slowly, watching you through his mirrors to make sure you were still okay with the situation. And once he made sure you weren't showing any signs of uncomfortableness, he picked up the feet and turned onto the street.

Your grip tightened, keeping your eyes closed for the moment. The wind began to whistle around you and the street lamps were painting your closed lids every time you passed one. Yeosang was careful in picking a perfect route so he could show you the beauty of riding on a bike so late at night. And once he got onto a longer stretch of road, he got faster. You finally opened your eyes and what you were greeted with was none other than magical. The city lights seem brighter, everything was clearer. You felt a sense of power shiver down your spine. Then Yeosang revved the engine.

"Ah..." You didn't mean to gasp, but since you were sitting so forward you were able to feel the vibrations through your core. Your nails dug into Yeo's leather jacket and you begged silently he couldn't tell you were practically being stimulated by his bike. It felt so good, leaning more into his body you angled yourself without even thinking, feeling the low hum against your clit. You needed more. It was so bad, your heart racing every time you came to a stop light and once it turned green and he sped up quickly that was when the engine roared more, gifting you with a delicious rumble against your core. Fuck you couldn't handle it, and Yeosang caught one quickly. The frantic fingers playing with his leather or the way he could feel you slightly hump the seat. His smirk only grew.

He knew what he was doing.

He turned down a long dirt road he'd been on at least four times a week since getting his bike, he knew this would be a perfect place to play around with his revs. Switching gears he swore he could slightly hear your whines every now and then. You were so close, just needed a little more and with his last big jump of speed you gasped feeling yourself get to the edge. And then stop.

"Fuck.." You choked, rubbing your helmet against your lover's back feeling as if you were about to cry. And when you noticed the engine being switched off followed by a low chuckle you felt your cheeks go red. Did this fucker really just edge you with his fucking motorbike!? You wanted to scream in frustration and hit him for being mean. But when he took his helmet off and only the light from the large moon clearing your view your anger was switched into hunger, need.

"So what you think 'bout the bike doll face?" His deep voice cooed at you, with a big grin painting his beautiful features. He helped you get your helmet off and once it was undone you jumped on him. Luckily he had put the stand down on the bike cause neither of you were paying attention to it as your lips found his desperately.

"I..." Your tongue slipped into his mouth "...Fucking..." You both dance your tongues around one another "..Love it." You moaned as he bit down on your lip suckling the flesh against his teeth before letting it go with a pop.

"I'm glad." Was all he replied before placing his lips back on yours.


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