158 | Yunho | Fault pt.2

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Angst | Happy ending 

「Synopsis」 : Yunho Knew he was an idiot but was apologising to you going to be enough to get back the friendship he ruined?

Paring: Bestfriend!Yunho x GN!Reader

[Warnings] : A whole lot of tears, Insecurities, Mentions of cheating, if i missed something let me know

I completely forgot to post part 2. To be honest I was under the assumption that I had already posted it but anyways. I'm so so sorry ahha. I hope you guys are too hurt being left on a cliffhanger of sadness from part one. also wattpad isn't letting me post a banner so this fic isn't getting one. oop

part one is located on page 56. oops


You thought the months being without Yunho were rough but the lone month after walking out on him at the dorm was torture. All your brain could think about was him. Every little detail of your life was designed and painfully filled with memories of him. You haven't heard from him since that night, nor have you heard anything from his brothers either. It was like you were cut out completely, making you feel even more alone. Well except for one person. San. He was determined to check on you every day.

It became a routine throughout the month. Good morning texts, have you eaten or made sure to drink water. He rarely spoke about Yunho, and neither did you bring him up. He knew you were hurt because of him. But Like you, Yunho was hurt as well. He became mopey, avoiding everyone, not eating. Everything that you were doing he was doing. But you were slowly becoming better while he was just getting worse as the days went by.

He fought with his fiance. Finding out she was not only cheating but trying to bleed him dry for his money. News for her was his brothers cut her out before she could make him worse. He moved back into the dorms. But never left his room. The others were beginning to worry for him. And that's what led to San, showing up. Slowly, and carefully into your life. Making sure you were okay before asking the big question.

"Hey, Do you know where San is?" Wooyoung purposely spoke in front of Yunho's room, trying to get the male's attention. Maybe even drawing him out of his room.

"Hmm, I don't know. The last time I saw him he was getting ready to go see y/n." That's it, Hongjoong spoke your name. Will that bring Yunho out? Before Wooyoung could speak again, the miracle happened.

"Why is he with them?" Yunho's voice is groggy from not talking for so long. Luckily he did shower when everyone was asleep so he isn't dirty, but he still looks it.

"San and y/n have been hanging out for a little bit now." Wooyoung poked the bear with his words, viability seeing Yunho tense. All the members knew of his crush but none of them spoke up but now that he has royally and truly fucked up, they feel the need to push it. And since soft, careful pushing doesn't seem to help, what about the latter?


"San!!" You scream, laughing as San tried to shield your view with his head. But you managed to snake your body away from him, until you jumped forward onto his lap, turning the tables in order to distract him. The finish line nearing, San leans on you, intensely staring at the screen trying his best to win. But to his surprise, you cross before him, taking his place as victor.

"HA! I WON!!" You cheer, turning onto your back while still lying on San's lap. He just laughed at you, looking like a kid, smiling widely. A smile he has been trying to get you to do for the past month. A real smile.

"Well, I guess I'm paying for food." He laughs looking down at you. You suddenly stopped mid-laugh, your eyes growing big with glee. He leaned his head on the back of the couch as you jumped for your phone, throwing it to him making him fake wince in pain.

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