034 | San | Mr Jekyll an Hyde

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Romance | Angst 

Synopsis : Choi San is a Doctor in a small town, but no one knows about the evil voice in his head.

Warnings: Mentions of death, Mental illness, Gore.

Warnings: Mentions of death, Mental illness, Gore

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San was different. He could never hide that fact, even so from his partners. They all eventually try to leave once finding out his secrets. From this, he was scared of love, never feeling true love or passion.

Until one dark midnight, under a full moon. He met someone new. But sadly he soon suspected, they would find out what he was and leave, just like every one of the others did in the past. Yet once you found out, you stayed. Finding his pills, you loved him. Finding him wandering out late at night. You loved him. His personality switches at random moments. You still loved him.

San grew to love you too. Care for you, but he always had that voice, that sickening voice, that appeared one night after one of his experiments went wrong. The complexities of science lead to the duplication of human nature. One of good and the other of evil. Telling him that you too, would one day leave him.

San works day and night finding new medical services for the town. Specialising in scientific research for new pharmaceuticals. He was known by many as a kind soul and also known as a "Desolate", cursed with being alone. With rumours spreading that everyone he has been with will one day vanish. But you. You were the one person to prove that the rumours might have only been just that, rumours.

That was until one cold night, San entered his apartment to find it empty. Not because things were missing, but because his love, you, were nowhere to be found. All was there was a letter that wrote, "went out."

Earlier that day, you two were laying on your bed, his hand on your face, holding you. It was the first time San was able to hold someone so close, without them running away. Without them being scared. The voice inside his head was nowhere to be heard, it was peaceful. Maybe too peaceful.

He knew he loved you, but in the end, his inner voice repeated, you were going to leave him one day. "They're gone! They're not coming back! Read the letter!! They are mocking us!!" The dark husky growl breaks, splitting his mind into two.

He didn't want to love you. He didn't want to feel the feelings he had anymore. It would just make him get worse in the end. He read the small note over and over, gripping it tight. Was it anger or was it sadness that he felt? He could never tell the difference. You said you would never leave him countless times. You told him that you would always be there. But the voice kept changing his gaze, "They don't love you!" He couldn't believe what was real and what was false anymore.

You came back home soon after, with freshly baked bread from the local baker among with some other gifts. But he couldn't smell the sweet scent of the dough or the freshness of the flowers you held in your basket. He couldn't handle his mind, his thoughts. He needed you. Never leave, not another one, his heart couldn't bear the thought.

"Why did you leave...." His voice was different, almost identical to the mysterious dark voice that whispered in his mind.

"...I went to get food, are you okay my love?" Your voice was small, feeling frightened by his aura. He wasn't the San you knew, no, this was someone else.

"You left us... Now...I need to punish you." His whispers were so low, you almost didn't hear them. Dropping the food you ran, gripping the handle of the front door. But he was too quick, wrapping his arms around your waist, he yanked you off the handle, pulling you deeper into the house.

"SAN! STOP! LET ME GO!" He threw you against the far wall. Your breath left your lungs from Impact, letting out a cough. Black fuzz clouded your vision briefly as blood rushed to your head, making you dizzy. Rubbing your eyes, you see San, his back facing you as he rummaged through a deep cabinet in the wall that you never knew was there.

He pulls out a jar with a milky glazed liquid along with a doctor's bag, filled with old rusted surgical tools. Spinning on the balls of his feet he walks over to his desk, pushing all the papers and such off onto the floor, emptying the bag of its contents once finished. Your heart drops at the sight, gazing from San to the opened cabinet.

The cabinet was where all his secrets lay. The truth about the rumours of all his past partners going missing. Now it finally clicked why no one could find them;

It's because they never left...

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