149 | 2Ho | New Member

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Rockstar Au | Smut | Poly Au


【Synopsis】 : You're the newest member to join one of the most famous rock bands. And luckily for you they are all hot...and fuckable.

Paring: LeadSinger!Jongho x Bassist!Reader x Guitarist!Yunho

[Warnings] : Fingering. Spanking. Anal. Unprotected sex. Coming inside. Squirting. Biting. Neck kisses. Dirty talk. Pet names and nicknames.

The crowd rawred, cheering for an encore

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The crowd rawred, cheering for an encore. For more. But the lead singer was not worrying about his fans no, no. All he wanted was to see his new bass player get fucked by his lead guitarist. When you first joined the band, He instantly had his eye on you. You were not just a pretty face but extremely talented. Your fingers strumbed the bass like no other and he knew you'd fit in right away. The first time one of the members of the group tried anything on you was when San wouldn't stop flirting and saying he could give you a life you wouldn't forget but you brushed him off saying he wasn't your type and he wouldn't know a thing about you and your needs. He complained saying you were hard to get but in truth, you only had eyes for a certain someone. Or in this case someones.

Jongho, the lead singer, and Yunho, the rock group's lead guitarist and lyricist. They both screamed sex appeal to you and your thighs seemingly were always squeezed shut whenever they were around. Tonight was a particularly long and drawn-out stage event. Making everyone hot, sweaty and most definitely bothered. Your heart was racing when you left the stage feeling the crowd's energy boost your endorphins. Your mind was racing and your breath was shallow and all you could think about was sinking your teeth into Jongho or Yunho's lips. And in this case both.

"Fuck Jongho!!" You cried out while Jongho bit down hard on your bare collarbone. Having your shirt ripped off long ago when he and Yunho had pulled you into the nearest change room. Yunho had made it so that no one disturbed you but knowing people and by people, he means his manager would be wanting him and the others to do another set. But this stage was the first time releasing a new song and you had to flaunt yourself on stage successfully turning on both men. Yunho stood behind you, slapping your ass while he fingered your asshole roughly. Jongho had three fingers knuckles deep inside your soaked cunt, while his tongue lapped your shoulder where he had bit you. Yunho kept his abuse on your ass adding another finger in for good measure. Your body felt like it was on fire needing them both to hurry up before someone interrupts. "Just fuck me already I'm ready enough."

Yunho had to laugh at your whining words. You sounded so vulnerable compared to the strong boss you portray to others. But in the end, you were their baby, needing to be fucked hard, fast and rough. "Come on Jong let's give our girl what she wants."

Yunho picked up one of your legs, pulling his fingers out of your ass before chuckling darkly against your ear. "I couldn't agree more Yunnie." The way they called you their girl and how they gave one another sweet nicknames sent your body reeling. You never wanted this moment to end, wanting nothing more than to explore both their bodies, let them have their way with you while you sucked them off and you rode them for hours. But you knew if they didn't hurry you wouldn't be able to get to cum... So you bit your lip waiting your them to push inside you. "Take a deep breath for us Doll."

You did as asked, trying to calm your nerves as Jongho held your other thigh successfully lifting you in the air. Your hands found perch on His biceps, digging your face into his broad shoulders. You could feel their cocks against both your holes and it made you whine in need. Yunho cooed saying everything was going to be okay and it 'be a good girl, Dollface'. and then you felt them both slowly enter you in one quick motion. You screamed. Screamed so loud that the whole staff team would have heard you and the rest of the group. Yunho's and Jongho's ego boosted a little thinking about that. Knowing the others would be mad they got to fuck the new girl. But none of them would be able to touch you now. You belonged to Jongho and Yunho now and they were going to enjoy fucking you every day, in every city they travel to.

"FUck! Jongiee, Yuyu! God fuck." you lost your mind, never feeling so full until now. Your body was shaking, reeling against both large men. Your mind was hazed and the weed you all took earlier was probably not helping. But none of you cared, only caring about the fact of how good they both felt inside you. Both men could feel each other as they thrust, only a thin wall separating them. Your ass was so tight squeezing Yunho deliciously while your soaked pussy walls were so warm it made Jongho want to bust a nut there and then. But he waited. Both of them needing to feel you come first before either of them.

"Come on sugar. I wanna feel you come. Just let us feel you squeeze around us. Your cunt is so fucking tight. I could fuck it forever." Jongho's dirty mouth pours out lewd words into your ear making you tip over the edge coming undone, squirting all over his cock, dripping onto the floor. Some of your juices spilled onto Jongho's and Yunho's legs making them both groan out. They continued to fuck you until Yunho emptied his hot load into your ass while Jongho pumped himself dry deep in your puffy cunt. You were filled to the brim with their seeds and you couldn't ask for anything better.

"Come on doll, let's get you dressed. We got a crowd of fans waiting for us." Yunho's words made you shiver at the sheer fact of going on stage while dripping with their cum. Possessive fucks.


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