006 | Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!Reader Pt.3

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Supernatural | Romance | Suggestive | Fluffy | Angst | Smut

Warnings: Making out, Kissing, Fingering, Mentions of heat, skinny dipping, semi-public, masturbating, hickeys, pain kink? Slight Somnophilia, Oral (Reader receiving), mention of little space, sir kink, I'm a sucker for Jongho's Thighs. All the boys are feral for the reader but it's still fluffy.

First heat together

First heat together

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You woke up feeling strange but decided to brush it off, but as the day progressed you began to feel hot, inside and out. You couldn't focus, all you wanted was Hongjoong. But he was very busy, he had a big meeting with some other pack leaders about borders so he couldn't see you.

The heat was becoming too much to handle, so the first thing you could think of was trying to find a way to cool down. The waterfall. The small crystal lake. The place you loved to spend your alone time. Heading towards the location, you check to see if anyone else was around, not many people knew about this place but you always liked to make sure. You brushed your ears up, sighing at the feeling. You slipped your clothes off, stepping into the ice water. The moon was the only light you had as you submerged yourself under.

You rose in a gasp, feeling only a short amount of relief. You couldn't shake this feeling, the need, the craving. Your hand slid down your body as you rested your back along the large rock forms. Your fingers push pressure on your clit, making you groan out. Moving in a circular motion, going faster and faster, you let yourself fall into pleasure but it's not enough.

"My my, what do we have here..." You jump hearing your wolf's voice. You didn't see him though, but you did see a sudden figure jump into the water. You wipe the water out of your face from the splash, coming into contact with golden eyes lowly glowing and fresh split dye hair. You gulped as he got closer. His hands wrap around your bare waist, pulling you closer. Your legs entangle with his and then you notice, he was also bare.

"When did your heat start baby?" He growled kissing your lobe, down your jaw, before sucking on your neck. "I'm going to make you feel so damn good...Now stay still."


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