153 | Matz | Black Card

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Dark Romance | Suggestive | Mob Boss Au


【Synopsis】 : You were hiding a big secret from your two loving boyfriends. What happens when they finally find out?

Paring: MobBoss!Matz x F.Reader

[Warnings] : Heavy power shifting. Neck kisses. Dirty talk. Pet names. Swearing. Semi-nudity. Pole dancing. Strip clubs. Sir kink. Some mxm. Alcohol. Hickeies. Little bit of marking. Mention of gain weight (which is perfectly normal). Mention of a past injury.

You sat in the back of a black SUV shaking your leg up and down

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You sat in the back of a black SUV shaking your leg up and down. Saying you were nervous was an understatement. You'd never been in one of Hongjoong's clubs let alone one of the strip clubs. But Seonghwa and Hongjoong had called for you since their meetings were lasting a lot longer than they thought, so they "needed you desperately" as they put it. You felt tingles in your gut at the thought your lovers was so in love with you that when either of them got sexually frustrated they would never cheat and take it out with someone else, but instead, beckon for you sweetly and desperately.

"Right, this way sweet-thing." One of the very large bouncers you've met in the past, Ari spoke. He's sweet, but you've heard he has a sadistic side. Must be why your lovers like him, and trust him so much. The minute you entered the dimly lit club, music filled your ears and the smell of overly sweet perfume and alcohol entered your poor nose. You still wonder how any of the boys could possibly spend hours in these clubs when they always smelt like a frat boys' party.

Following Ari, he slowly leads you towards one of the back rooms. You noticed all the erotic dancers, both male and female, dancing elegantly on stage. A memory of your past popped up in your mind and you had to give out a light chuckle. The person you were back in the past seemed to fit Seonghwa and Hongjoong's world to a tea a lot more than you now... And yet you only met them and they only fell for you, as the person you are present. A sweet, soft-spoken, cottage vibe with sparkles in your eyes. A fairy, as Hongjoong liked to call you. Or Angel, Bunny. The list of cute pet names could go on for those two.

"They're in here." His rugged tone snapped you out of your thoughts as you suddenly took in your surroundings. This wasn't the back rooms where their offices are? These look more like....

"Private dance room?" Your soft voice could melt anyone's heart and Ari was no exception.

"Uh, Yes they requested for no one to disturb until they gave the word." Now you were officially confused and even more nervous than you were before so when you were in the car. You quietly nodded to Ari before entering the even dimmer room than the one you were in. You could barely see other than the lit-up stage that was at the end of the room. Your heart was racing, feeling like it was about to burst out of your chest. Your breath picking up and your eyes blowing out to adjust to the darkness. And then suddenly a large pair of arms wrap around your waist making you literally jump and yelp.

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