047 | Seonghwa | Fallen

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Type: Seonghwa x AFab!Reader

Warnings: Blood, Gun, Gore, Shitty Fathers, Seonghwa is a teddy bear. This is a shit show but in the best way. Mafia au!! Yeosang is mentioned hehe.

Synopsis: Having a father that was a leader in the mafia leads to an arranged marriage that saved you.

You had a normal life, well if you say normal is your father was a mob boss that cared for nothing but wealth

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You had a normal life, well if you say normal is your father was a mob boss that cared for nothing but wealth. Then paint it perfect. You were an object of perfection to him. An object to show off. The moment he caught wind of a contract for new business, he was going to pay anything to have it. Even you. The contract was allowing access to a new drug route, a safe one. So he sealed the deal. You can still remember the meeting. You stood in the back, in between two bodyguards, while your father sat at a large round table with another old sinister man. The arrangement was that you were going to be sold and married off to a rich man that you knew nothing about in order to unify the two gangs.

That was 5 months ago, the old gross man that took your contract gave you as a gift to his eldest son. Park Seonghwa. He was cold, and didn't want anything to do with a partner let alone marry a stranger. But who could blame him, you both didn't really want to become close because of the circumstances. But as time went on and days turned into weeks and weeks became months, you grew close. Without even knowing. You enjoyed the same things, had similar pasts. You both enjoyed sitting in the library in the left wing of the manor reading the day away—bonus if it was really cold that day, meaning you could nestle by a fire in the old fireplace—. He would steal glances at you while he was doing any paperwork as you sat in the corner of his office. You always looked so innocent, so soft. You were the light that crept into his life without his control.

As time went by the old man soon passed, and the contract ended with him. Your father demanded he has you back, but you didn't want to go and Seonghwa wasn't going to let you go without a fight. It was bloody and messy. And your father was determined. You were calling out for Seonghwa as your old man grabbed you. Seonghwa and his team were trying to find you in the endless maze of shipping containers. Yeosang finally pinpointed your location on the chip that hid inside your necklace that Hwa got for you, ordering Seonghwa to head in the direction he spilled into his earpiece.

When he saw you his heart stopped. You were full of blood, and he had no idea if it was yours or not. There was a gun, stuck to the side of your stomach, pushing into your flesh, and your father was holding the trigger. It all happened so fast, the sound of screams followed by a loud gunshot. Your father fell, his lifeless body at your feet. you felt nothing, looking at Seonghwa, he had shock paint on your face. Then everything went black.

Seonghwa lent against the window frame of his bedroom in his large estate. He watched the sunset slowly, as you lay a few feet away. You watched him, looking at the way his skin glowed due to the orange hue of the evening raze. He was so beautiful. You tried to move but a sharp pain surged up your side making you hiss out. He turned his head slightly to look at you, sighing in relief. He quickly moved over to your side, sitting down on the chair that was placed next to the bed. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, bags, dark and razed under his eyes.

"I feared you wouldn't wake." His voice was gravelly, croaked, as if he's been screaming over and over for the past hour. His hand grasp yours, as you lent back down on the soft pillow, tensing lightly at the pinch and stings your side had.

"W-What happened..." You brushed your fingers over the wrapped wound, feeling the rough material of the bandage. He grabbed both your hands kissing your knuckles lightly, making butterflies flutter in your stomach.

"Don't worry about that now. Right now, you need rest." His eyes grew sad at you, with a worried smile following. You tilted your head giving him a warm smile. You pulled a hand free to place on Seonghwa's face, letting him lean into your touch.

"I've fallen for you... Why?" You whispered, making him chuckle.

"Because I'm loveable." He cheeks, making you both burst into laughter.

"Oh shut up..." You pushed his chest lightly making him lean into you with affection. He climbed onto the bed wrapping his arms around you softly. He held you tight, not letting you go, not know, nor ever.


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