152 | Mingi | Leave Or Join

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Smut | Idol Au


【Synopsis】 : You wanted to help your boyfriend relax. It just so happened that some poor soul decided to interrupt.

Paring: Idol!Mingi x GN!Reader

[Warnings] : Oral (M Receiving). Swearing. Dirty talk. Mention of sex. Petnames.

To say Mingi was stressed out would be an understatement

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To say Mingi was stressed out would be an understatement. And the real problem with it was he didn't need to be. He had three songs already done and planned for the next upcoming album but he was struggling with the last two. He didn't need them done for another two months, but his brain made him think he needed them finished within the week. This of course made you worry. You hated seeing your boyfriend all tired, tense and stressed. You wanted nothing more than to help him in any way you could. To relieve him, even if it was one for a moment.

So that's exactly what you did.

"It's okay baby, relax." You cooed into your lover's ear, as you kissed his earlobe then his neck, moving all the way down until you were suddenly on your knees in between him. His eyes were shut tight, fearing if they opened what was happening would be nothing but his asshole brain torturing him. But your hands felt too real as they undid his belt. And the way he could feel your hot breath on his exposed tummy, sent his head spinning. This was definitely real because his brain would never be able to paint such a perfect picture. And as your hand gripped firmly around the base of his cock, he knew you were very... VERY real.

"Fuck Baby, I think I might just cum cause of how you look sitting in between my legs." He rambles, words and moans slipping from his lips. He was always vocal during sex, which was something you loved, and tonight was no exception. You giggled in response, jerking him off slowly, setting a nice pace to help get him fully hard. Which didn't take long for your lover given as he puts it, he's horny twenty-four seven and if he could, he would take you anywhere, at any time, day or night. You were so perfect to him, that he's still amazed he managed to be able to call you, his.

"I said relax baby. You're so tense." You giggled, running your hand now his now exposed legs, leaving his now fully erect cock to twitch on his stomach... You gently massaged his thighs, slipping down slightly to his inner parts. He was trying his best not to buck his hips at the mere sensation of your fingertips almost touching where he needed most. And before he could whine for you to touch him again. you grabbed the base of his cock harshly.

"Ah, Fuck, FFmm...." He threw his head back feeling your hot breath pool onto his tip. Your tongue flattened, licking a long strip from top to bottom before your mouth latched onto his balls. Your left hand grasped him tightly, jerking him off in a slow, painstaking pace. Your lips travelled upwards kissing, sucking and licking every part of him before landing on his red aching tip. Mingi was blabbering at this point, feeling such sensitivity from your teasing. "Please, Baby. Put it in your mouth. I need y―ahh!"

He couldn't finish his sentence feeling you take his cock halfway in your warm, wet, mouth. A tear pricked the side of his eyes as he finally felt relief. You pushed him further, slowing your breathing and trying your hardest not to gag. His shaft slipped further into your throat, making your lover buck his hips up without a second thought. He was so close, just a little bit more and with a low moan erupting from you that finished him. "Fuckkk!"

He came so hard down our throat that you had to try not to pull away, making sure all his seed was trapped in your mouth. You swallowed quickly before finally letting him go. Mingi slumped down panting like crazy, feeling a state of full relaxation. Silence fell other than heavy breathing and rapid heart rates. You took in your view of a perfectly fucked out Mingi and a hint of pride swelled in you. You also noticed your poor baby was still very hard, so without a sound gripped the base of his cock hard making Min hiss out, snapping his eyes open to see you with a cheeky smile paint your devilish features.

"Ready for another round pretty boy?" Your voice was horse, and rough. Your throat stung slightly from the prior abuse. But you both just smiled, your lips kissing his tips awaiting him to answer.

"I think I'd rather fuck you instead." He moan making a shiver form down your back at how his voice managed to turn from whiny and desperate to cocky, deep and dominant. You giggle, swirling your tongue around his tip for a second before you can answer cheekily. But before you could say anything the front door suddenly slammed open, startling you both.

"Mingi I've been trying to get a hol―..." Yunho's voice died quickly once he walked further in suddenly seeing you sitting so sweetly on your knees in front of his best friend with his cock tight in your grasp.

"Hi, Yuyu." You bit your lip with a smile and hooded eyes. Mingi looked over his shoulder seeing his friend frozen, eyeing you with a flustered expression. He took in your features also and saw a sparkle in your eye, Mingi knew you weren't someone to get embarrassed easily and nor him. Hence why you both worked so well, but with this type of situation, he couldn't help but laugh;

"Well don't just stand there. If you wanna join, pull up a chair."


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