027 | ot8 | Accident

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Fluff | Angst | Slice of life | Idol Au

「Synopsis」 : You got hurt while the boys were on tour. Now how are they going to focus when they know their baby is hurting at home.

Paring: Poly Ateez x Reader

[Warnings] : Reader got in a car accident. Bruising, scars, broken bones. Mention of food and not eating. The boys are so caring my heart hurts. 

To say the boys were home sick would be an understatement

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To say the boys were home sick would be an understatement. Half of them not sleeping properly, and even avoiding to eat. It was becoming an issue. But don't get them wrong, when they first went on the world tour they were so excited—beaming with joy—. But as they made it to the third country they got the worst information.

"Wait but are you okay? Please honey don't scare us." Jongho spoke with a crackling voice through the phone as all the boys crowd the conversation. Some were sitting on the beds behind Jongho that say at the small table while others chose to stand.

"I-I'm okay. don't worry about me. It was only a little mistake." You tried to hide the pain that was seeping through your voice.

"Mistake?! Love, you were in a fucking car accident." Seonghwa yelled, his voice a lot higher than he thought it would be but anger and worry infected him. Hongjoong grabbed the taller male by the arm, pulling him into a reassuring hug.

"Explain to us again what happened. don't leave anything out for us this time. Angel okay?" Yeosang sat on the chair next to Jongho pulling his voice to the phone speakers. Silence fell for a moment as you worked up the courage to tell them the full story. It was true, you weren't as injured as they were imagining. But yes, you had a broken wrist, bruises and cuts everywhere and a massive headache. Yes, you were in pain but you were okay. And besides, you weren't the one driving, your friend was. And they were also fine. But alas all the boys could hear out of your story was you were hurt. And they could do nothing about it.

The next few days after that phone call. The boys would call every hour they could text you whenever they were free and check to make sure you were okay. Most of them wouldn't sleep because of the time zone difference. They would rather be awake when you were rather than when they need to. They wanted so badly to be with you. And when they finally got home you were smothered with love. Wooyoung and San would cling to you like baby koalas, refusing to let the others have you. But when Mingi and Yunho manage to tickle them off you. Seonghwa and Hongjoong got their time. You would be sandwiched between them on the couch as Yeosang would make you tea or coffee to your liking. Jongho would grab the soft blanket you obsess over that lays on his bed. Yunho would look for a movie for all of you to watch and Wooyoung and Mingi would buy your favourite food for dinner. And San, well San would stand behind the couch to rub your shoulders or sit in front of you to massage your feet.

They would treat you like a royal. But then again. When don't they....


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