057 | Yeosang | Little Miracle Pt.1

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「Synopsis」 : You're not ready for a baby and neither is Yeosang. But what will happen when you tell him...

Paring: Idol! Yeosang x Reader

[Warnings] : Hella angst. Heartbreak, Yeosang Blows up, blood, pregnancy, ultrasounds, doctors, talking about the female Anatomy. Miscarriage. This could be very triggering. Please be mind full.

The feeling of uneasiness crept over your soul and body

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The feeling of uneasiness crept over your soul and body. How were you supposed to tell your boyfriend that he got you pregnant? The worse part is by accident! Granted you both always take protection very seriously but none of that helps when you both get drunk off your head one night...

That was almost 4 weeks ago and now here you are with a pregnancy test in your bag heading over to see the boys at their dorm. It was supposed to be a chill-out day. Come over for lunch and games, but waking up with morning sickness made your heart sink. You're not ready for a baby, and neither is Yeosang. He only has just become successful with his Idol career, he doesn't need to have a baby scandal to ruin it.

Walking up to the door of the dorm, you give it a knock before entering. "Hello," you call out, heading further into the house. Upon entering you see Mingi, Jongho and Yunho in the kitchen. By the looks of it, they are going over a take-out menu to see what to order for lunch.

They all wave hello, giving you hugs and affirmation. Smiling them off, you head to the lounge room that connects with a nice balcony. Hongjoong is on the phone outside, most likely talking about work. He gives you a wave which you repeat back, before saying hi to the two boys sitting on the floor playing Mario cart. San and Wooyoung scream back making Seonghwa hiss from the loudness.

"Hi haha, anyone know where Y-Yeo is?" You suddenly got stuck on his name. A lump in your throat form. Even though the boys around you are so cheery and happy, the feeling of pain comes lurking behind.

"He's in his room, I think he was getting dressed from being at the gym," Wooyoung answered. You waved off a thank you, heading to his room.

"Yeosang..." You call out, knocking at the door. You hear a faint 'Come in' accepting your entry.

"Hey, Darling, your here a little early." He gives a half smile, slipping his phone away from his grasp, placing it next to his slumped body on the edge of his bed.

"Yeah well, I was hoping to tell you something. And I-...I couldn't..wait.." You stutter out your sentence taking a seat next to him.

"What's wrong?" He places a hand on your leg rubbing small circles to try to calm you. Reality kicked in and everything seems like time has stopped. The world was falling apart. And you had to be the one to bear Yeosang into the mess.

"I-I'm..." You take out the stick and grabbing his hand, you place it in his palm. Pulling away the words finally fall out.

"I'm Pregnant..." His soft loving eyes soon fell dark and unreadable one's show. His body stiffens, staring down at the test with two very clear lines on it. He stood up the sense of anger within panic grew on him.

"This is impossible.." He finally spoke.

"Well N-Not really, Remember we got Drunk An—.." Before you could finish your sentence, He snaps the stick in half throwing it to the ground. At that moment your heart broke.

"NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING." He rakes his fingers through his hair, stress clouding over him seeing the broke test before storming out of the room, slamming the door hard behind him. The tears no longer were able to be held back. You yelp out feeling your body, heart and soul, shatter at the event that just happened.

A minute passed, wiping your tears away you go to make your leave for good. Not wanting to come back here for a while. All the boys except Yeosang were standing in the lounge, wondering what just happened.

"I'm leaving." You spoke making them all turn to you. They all started hugging you and asking if you are okay and what had happened. You choke on your tears trying to hide the broken feeling inside.

"Yeosang and I just had a conflict. And I don't think it's good for me to stay here anymore..." You look over at Hongjoong as he gives you a worried look.

"Please tell him that he doesn't need to worry about what's going to happen. I'll be okay on my own. I'll stay out of his life." And with that, you make your quick exit. Heading home before any of the others could chase you.

Two days have passed and Yeosang hasn't even made an effort to contact you. To your knowledge, the boys all think you both just broke up and have no clue of you carrying a child. His child. What's worse though is the morning sickness is becoming unbearable. Luckily you being your own boss taking time off work was a gift to you.

You end up calling the hospital to book an ultrasound and as if it was like a wish being granted, you got booked in for later that same day.

Knee bouncing you wait for the doctor to come back into the room to give you, your results. Not only did you do an ultrasound to see if the baby was doing okay but you did some other tests to make sure everything was going smoothly.

"Ms L/N. I have some news for you.." She cleared her throat, making you become anxious.

"What is it?."

"Well, it seems the baby you're having is nothing but a miracle. Your ovaries seem to be damaged from genetic reasons. The sack seems worn as well. So what I'm trying to say is you shouldn't be able to get pregnant naturally..."

"Wh-what do you mean not able?"

"The womb where you carry the baby shouldn't be working for you. And you only seem to have had the one egg. So the chance of having a child naturally for you is one out of a hundred chances. So congratulations" she smiled. Your hand fell to your stomach rubbing it in circles before looking down.

Your baby is a miracle...

It's been officially 6 days since you've seen Yeosang or the other boys. They have tried messaging you but you brush them off saying you need time away. But Yeo was still silent. How could he put you through this? Ditching you with a baby, yelling and screaming at you. And now you're alone. All you wanted was to not be alone in this but yet he did just that.

You huff, throwing the t.v remote across the couch in annoyance. You needed to do something other than watching mindless shows. So you go to get up but suddenly a sharp pain— as if someone was stabbing you— erupts through your stomach. You rush to the bathroom, blaming it was something you ate but the feeling was unlike any other, your head became dizzy, the air seemed to escape your lungs and the stabbing continued. Until a heavy sound echoed with splashes of water...

You look down and you see nothing but blood. Blood covering your upper thighs. Glancing at your discarded shorts and underwear the blood was all over them as well. All your emotions came pooling knowing exactly what has just happened.

"No no no no no no no no." You scream out in pain, tears falling like a waterfall. Time has stopped and life becomes meaningless. The feeling of mourn filled with betrayal. As if it was something out of a twisted film...Your baby was gone... this can't be happening. She was supposed to be your little miracle...


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