055 | Seonghwa | Yes Sir

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Suggestive | Smut | Mafia Au

Type: Mafia!Seonghwa x Afab Reader

Warnings: Toys, Angry hwa, sir kink, rough kink, dom/sub dynamics, Mafia mentioned.

Synopsis: You wanted him to stop treating you like a delicate flower...But what happens when he finally snaps.

Hit after hit, your teasing began to get out of hand

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Hit after hit, your teasing began to get out of hand. Throughout the day all you did was make him hot and bothered and man did that send him off. Your anniversary was two days away and your mission was to get a rise out of him until the day arrived.

You see, Seonghwa is a loving boyfriend and an amazing man. Everything you could have asked for. But there was one thing... His personality towards you and then towards everyone else was completely different. Don't get you wrong you love the sweetness, the innocence, but you wanted the roughness he gives to others. When he is working on a new run, he growls lowly at the underdogs to get their job done. Or when you caught him holding another man from a different gang up by his collar while they were both bruised and bloody.

Man, you have to hold back a whimper whenever you see him covered in blood. Call you sadistic but you craved for him to be rough, fuck you like his life depended on it. But he saw you as an angel, something pure, something too soft for his world. He would try and shield you no matter what, but you finally snapped.

He took a sharp turn, putting both hands on the wheel before coming to a stop in a dirt patch on the back road. No street lights, no cars. You were in trouble, maybe teasing him in the car wasn't as a good idea as you thought... He got out of the car without a word, heading for the trunk. Your heart stopped, scared and excited about what might happen. He came back with a bag, looking furious.

"I wanted to give this to you after our anniversary dinner. But you've been so bad these two days..." His voice was low, turning your focus to his. He holds your chin, grazing his thumb over your bottom lip. His eyes are cold and dark, he's never looked at you like this before. There was no love, no softness...only lust...

"It looks like, I need to punish this brat out of you instead." And with that he let go of you, diving into the bag. There were a bunch of goodies inside, but he only pulled one item out.

"Hwa...Please, I'm sorry." You knew you had taken it too far, trying to give him doe eyes, you pleaded. But he just smirked more opening the box. You didn't really want him to stop, but playing innocent was your default.

"It's too late for apologies baby, now you're going to take your punishment until we get home, and then I'll think about fucking you." He growled, putting the batteries in the toy. You were frozen, you didn't think he was ever listening to you when you "joked" about wanting a vibrator for when he was away on work trips but the fact he got the exact one you even asked for. God, you didn't deserve this man.

"Ready to be a good girl?" He asked testing the speeds with the remote, playing with the toy on his palm to see what speed was best. You nodded eagerly, kissing him. He smiled briefly, pulling away to help you out of your shorts and panties. This was the dirtiest thing you've ever done with him, normally, he would have gone home and maybe made love but this...this was different.

Taking a seat you waited for your next instruction. He grabbed lube out of the bag, lubing the toy before putting some of his fingers. He rubbed your slit, making you let out a small moan.

"Damn you are so wet already, hmm teasing me gets you just as worked up?" He chuckles slipping a finger inside you. You grip his arm, moaning.

"Please Hwa... H-Hw—That's not my name tonight baby..." He cut you look pressing his finger on your clit, giving it pressure.

"You call me Sir tonight and I swear to God if you cum before we get home you'll be in even more trouble than you are now. Do you understand?" He spat out pushing two fingers in, slowly moving them in and out, stretching you.

You nodded but he wanted a verbal response, pulling his fingers out before placing the toy at your entrance.

"Words darling..." He tilts his head, clicking his tongue with a smirk. You look up at him, seeing his eyes baring into yours. Your sweet boyfriend was gone, leaving you alone with someone new.

"Y–..." You stutter as you feel the toy enter you, feeling the low vibration...."Yes Sir"


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