062 | Hongjoong | Trouble

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Suggestive | Slight Angst

「Synopsis」 : His stare is like daggers, but in all honesty you love the pain it brings.

Paring: Hongjoong x Gender Neutral Reader

[Warnings] : Pet names (Brat,Slut) , Possessive Joong, flirting with his members, degrading Kink (kinda)

[Warnings] : Pet names (Brat,Slut) , Possessive Joong, flirting with his members, degrading Kink (kinda)

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Let's face it, you knew exactly what you were doing. Standing too close to Mingi so your shoulders would touch. Sitting in between San and Wooyoung on the couch, making them laugh so they would end up throwing their arms around, landing on your thighs every so often. But what sent everything over the edge was when Seonghwa's hand snaked around your waist in order to hold you up because you slipped. To be fair you didn't fall on purpose but to Hongjoong it was just another teasing antic for the day. He was furious, hot to the touch. You swear you could see steam come out of his ears.

The way he watched you, stares struck into your heart. You knew you were in deep trouble. And you loved every moment. It was an unspoken action. His stare and the way he stood in the door frame with his arms crossed. You could tell all he wanted to do was take you away from everyone and have his way with you. Then again if you keep pushing his buttons, he just might say fuck it and do it in front of his members. He knows you would love it too. The thrill of getting caught was something you both shared, but actually letting his members see you in such a vulnerable state. The thought made his jealousy run wild.

You walked out of the kitchen once Seonghwa knew you were okay, walking past your angry boyfriend with nothing but an innocent smile, and a slight brush of the shoulders. That was it, he needed you, and he needed you now. Gripping our wrist he dragged you towards the lounge room, shoving you onto the couch, making the members that sat around in the room turn their heads. He grips your chin pulling you up so his lips could ghost over yours before he speaks so everyone can hear.

"You want to be such a slut for my members, why don't you show them exactly what a whimpering brat you can be."


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