010 | Yeosang | Safe

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Gore | Angst | Fantasy | Lots of Pain | Wolf au

「Synopsis」 : A rat in the pack, left the world coming to a stretching halt. And now you have to live with another's bound mark...How would react to their bunny hybrid mate getting hurt?

Paring: Wolf!Yeosang x Hybrid!Reader

[Warnings] : Betrayal, lots of blood, sexual assault, forced marking, triggers, yeosang goes full rage mode. Lots of gore. Let me know if I missed anything. 

Part 4 of the Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!Reader series

The night was the most dangerous time to be in the forestry

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The night was the most dangerous time to be in the forestry. As the dark creatures come out to play, hunt and kill. Wolves ruled the night of the full moon. Some packs protect and ruled with firm kindness. But others ruled cruelly and fearfully. Tonight was one of these nights, the moon full and bright, hanging high in the sky. Most of the Ateez pack have gone out for the night to transform and scout the pack grounds. Some of the few stayed behind, protecting the den. You were enjoying the peace and quiet, not hearing the young kids screaming every night. You swear Wooyoung can't get louder but every night you are proven wrong. Snuggled on a large armchair in front of a fire. You read your book in silence, that is until one of the new pack members came running inside, in a panic.

"Ms! Yeosang and some others have gotten hurt, we need your healing positions!!" The young wolf huffed, panting from running. You jumped up and ran for the cupboards looking for the bottles of elixirs. The wolf tilted his head with curiosity, watching you scrounge around.

"Ah!" You spoke, finding the bottles you need. "Okay, where are they." You look at him with determination but the boy shook his head.

"Wait no you can't go out, it's dangerous." His voice trailed off sounding almost not as sincere as you would have liked.

"What's more dangerous is, if he dies because I couldn't get to him in time. Now tell me where he is." You put your foot down, firmly talking to the underdog. He sighed before giving you directions with a map he had on hand. You thanked him before quickly running towards the gates, exiting the grounds.

You headed in the direction given, spotting the opening among the trees your heart slowed slightly, feeling relief you got to the location as swiftly as you could. Entering the opening you look around to see. Nothing. No wolves, no life... No injured Yeosang. Where was he? Was this the wrong spot? But this was the place the young wolf marked on the map. Where did you go wrong? Looking down at the map you double-check to see what might have happened, but a snapping twig made your ears perk up. You turned quickly to see where the noise came from. Another snap and crunch of some leaves and sticks make your ears twitch as you try to look into the thick blanket of darkness.

"Y-Yeo..." You call out by it comes out more of a whisper, stepping a few steps back as the noise became louder and closer.

"Guess again Baby." A deep low growl echoed around you, sending shivers of fear running through you. A figure came out of the shadows, he is very tall and large. His slicked jet black hair tucked behind his ears. Your heart stopped, a gulp following. It was a rogue wolf. He should not be so close to the den... you thought. You step back another few steps as he steps forward. You kept doing this until your back hit the big trunk of an oak tree. You were frozen, moving slowly, afraid that if you run he would rip you to shreds.

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