078 | Hongjoong | Perfect Melody

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Suggestive | Angsty?

Paring: Boyfriend!Hongjoong x Reader

[Warnings] : Rough making you. Dom!Hongjoong, Lots of Praise, pet names. Angry Joong. Hongjoong manhandles the reader. Tittie sucking hehe. The reader has boobs but there is no specific sizing or gender terms. Praise. And a little bit of auralism (voice kink) 

 And a little bit of auralism (voice kink) 

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Your plan was simple. Stop by your house to put some comfy clothes on, grab some take out and then surprise your darling boyfriend. But your simple plan became very less simple when you entered the studio room to see a very frustrated Hongjoong. He was having trouble with the demo he's been working on for the past couple of months. And all it was missing was one note, one vocal change. Maybe a pitch? He couldn't figure it out to save his life. It became so frustrating to the point he argued with Eden, which he apologized straight afterwards for. Spilled his drink over the soundboard, almost wiping the song entirely and then on top of it, he forgot you were coming over. He was so stressed and angry but when he saw you, it was like he needed to wash away his frustration. And you were the best thing fate could have presented for him.

"My angel, my baby. The love of my life." His voice was gravelled, discontent. He brought you praise, but in truth, all he needed you for was to let off steam. His hands were rough and hard, tugging on your shirt with desperation. He needed to see your body, no matter who the fuck walked in. He didn't care in the slightest.

"J-joong." You tried to plead with him as he pulls you down onto his lap. But he silenced you with a quick kiss before a grumble followed.

"Shut up..." He kissed you again, "Just sit there and let me have my way." He spoke in the messy kiss, making you whimper. He was successful this time with lifting your shirt over your head. Throwing it somewhere in the room. You knew he wasn't angry with you but you could see it pour off him. The frustration in his hands as they tugged at your hips and clothing. Or how his hot lips lock onto your neck, sucking with much more aggression than what you're used to. But you leave him. Letting him use your body to calm his shot nerves.

"You are so perfect...My love." His words were still soft, unlike his actions. Snaking his hand around your body to unclasp your bra. Your tits pop free letting him latch his mouth right on your nipple, swirling his tongue over your sensitive bud. You tried not to moan but couldn't help but fall into the pool of pleasure Hongjoong was giving you.

He tugs on your nipple with his front teeth, lapping his tongue over it afterwards, before diving in, to suck hard around it. A pop sound echoed into your ears as he pulls away from your breast to blow cold air on the wet skin. You whine, wiggling your hips against his growing erection. He paid the same attention to your other breast, switching between the two for a couple of minutes.

"Joongie. Please. AH~." You sighed out a high-pitched breath, making Hongjoong stop suddenly. It was like a light just went off in his head. The note he was missing. The right pitch he needed. That was it.

"Fuck Angel." He smirked, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you flush against him so he could get to his keyboard behind you.

"W-what are you doing?" You tried to look behind you, but his arms kept you from moving. He pressed a few keys before opening a separate sound file. He pressed a space bar before leaning back to give your tits the same attention as before, completely disregarding your question. His hands grip your hips, moving them in a motion that gives you both friction.

"Just keep making those noises, baby. I wanna hear them." He continues his assault making you moan just the way he wants. Your body became the perfect instrument. The right appliance for his work. You were his missing puzzle piece and no he needed to play you just right for the perfect note. Twisting your nipple in between his fingers, as if he was tuning his favourite guitar. He swirled his tongue and sucked on your bud, making you play off the best-sounding song. But as it was beautiful and music to his ear, he needed that one note. That one pitch. His teeth graze your wet sensitive skin, bringing a shiver to your spine.

"Hongjoong Ah~" There it is. The perfect note, your perfect melody.

"You make the most beautiful sounds, my love." He finally kissed you passionately holding your cheek in his hand so he could deepen the kiss. He smiled against your lips, all his frustration had finally whisked away...


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