107 | Hongjoong | солдат

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Marvel Crossover | Smut | Angst

【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Hongjoong was your brother's enemy and an enemy of the state, but yet you can't help but melt when his ice-cold metal hand touches you in just the right places.

ᴘᴀʀɪɴɢ: Villain!Hongjoong x Hero!Reader

[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : dark themes. Mention of hydra and torture. Mcu cannon violence. Insecurities, fear. Hongjoong is very broken. Mention of weapons. Smut, eating out. Nipple play. Making out. Clothing being ripping off (literally). Marking kink. Pleasure bruising.

Sneaking around became the easiest thing for you. Being quiet, a true assassin as Nat would say. It became your specialty out in the field for missions, taking another path from the rest, gliding along the floor without a sound before attacking the enemy from behind without them ever being able to catch a glance at you. This skill of yours became your trump card for sneaking out at night. Whether you were staying in your apartment in the Avengers compound or staying the week at the sanctum sanctorum with Wong and your overly protective brother, Stephen. No one ever noticed you were gone for hours in the night or missing at odd hours through the day. Who would though? Besides your brother. We were a SHIELD agent before an Avenger, and no one fully trusts SHIELD agents ever since Hydra tried to take over the world basically.

But I guess they had every right to hate SHIELD. You hated them too. You hated what they did to everyone. What they did to you. Jumping over a fence gate to start through a dimly lit alleyway. The same alley you take every night. You've taken this path so many times you think you could do it with your eyes closed. Down the alley, across the fourth street, take the fire escape up to the eighth floor through the window of apartment 802 and then;

"Angel..." His voice was deep, dark. Your body felt him before your eyes could gaze at him. His hands were on your waist, tugging at the hem of your jacket. You could smell the tattered leather and whiskey aroma seeping off him. His breath pooled against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. He was pure sin, a walking red flag. But god you loved everything about it.

"Hello, Soldat." Your words slipped off your tongue like beautiful vintage wine, seductive and tasteful. You missed this, miss him. You had been away on missions for the past month, spending nights craving to see your dark soldier. He finally turned you around, letting you see his eyes. His lustful eyes stared intensely into yours, reading your expression. A moment of silence pooled around both of you. The sound of the distant traffic, and people being rowdy on the night streets, all seemed to disappear. Fade out. Leaving only you and him.

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