019 | Whose First Pt.2

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Smut | Filth FILTHHH | Fluff

「Synopsis」 : Part 2 of Whose First. Where you finally get to see who you picked to have first...

Paring: Ot8 Ateez x Fem!Reader (Poly)

[Warnings] : Wall sex, mentions of blood, lots of pet names. Penetrated sex, unprotected sex [Don't do this!] Daddy kink. Multiple orgasms, heavy subspace. Some trauma issues. The reader is secretly a simp for the boys. Soft Dom Hongjoong. Rough Seonghwa. Monster cock, Mingi and Yunho. Sir Kink. Double penetration. Anal A lot of dirty talk. [Mingi and Yunho got a real filthy mouth] squirting. Cumming inside [don't do that] Aftercare. Wooyoung is a cheeky thing. Oral [M Receiving]. Wooyoung might be slightly high but who's asking. [HEHE] Spanking, cum eating, jerking off. Threesomes [Obviously] description of cum and bodily fluids. Spit play [Sorry not sorry]. Reader calls sex playtime. Dom and Sub dynamic. Squirting, shower sex, nipple play, fingering, hickeys, Some MxM, choking [I'm not even sorry for that] name calling [Slut, oop] lazy make out, cock warming cause I'm a sucker for it.

 Squirting, shower sex, nipple play, fingering, hickeys, Some MxM, choking [I'm not even sorry for that] name calling [Slut, oop] lazy make out, cock warming cause I'm a sucker for it

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Tears stained your red hot cheeks. Your nails dug into the back of your lover as yours was pressed against one of the cold walls in the meeting room. His cock was so deep inside you, you couldn't hear anything else other than the slapping sounds of skin and his groans ringing in your ears.

"Seong!!" You moaned his name, drawing blood from your nails. His thrusts got sloppy as he chased his high. Your head was so fuzzy and light, it left like you floating.

"Come on Bunny make a mess on my cock." He bites your earlobe making you squeal, tightening around him before coming undone. He removed you from the wall, still inside of you as he walked over to the large, long table. Placing you down on the cold wood, he thrusted at an inhuman speed finally finishing himself off inside you. The others watched intensely as Seonghwa's cum leaked out of you, dripping onto the floor. You lay panting with half lids.

"Our turn." You faintly hear a deep voice come closer towards you before another higher pitch one chuckling. "Don't break her before we get our turn."

You knew it was Wooyoung whining and as a large hand rubbed your calf's with so much care you knew the deep voice had to belong to Mingi. His hands moved up your body before holding the back of your neck, lifting your frame up.

"Hey, Little one." He kissed your forehead nuzzling his nose in your hair, holding you close for a moment. "Colour." He always asks this, even if you could be having the time of your life in these situations. He seems to need to know the colour more than you.

"Green Sir. Green" You whisper, wrapping your hands around his bare waist, hugging him. You suddenly felt another pair of hands snake their way on your thighs from behind Mingi. You look up to see beautiful eyes that belonged to Yunho.

"Who you want in the front this time Tiny." And just like Mingi always asking about a colour, Yunho also seemed to ask this question, well after all it's their favourite position to do with you. You were unsure who to pick, mind still hazy. All you wanted was them, not caring about the details.

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