116 | Seonghwa | Capable Of Anything

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Smut | Angst 

【Synopsis】 : What was one way to prove to your father you weren't a little innocent girl anymore? Sleep with the enemy...

Pairing: MobBoss!Seonghwa x MobPrincess!Reader

[Warnings] : Unprotected sex. Edging. Pussy slapping. Swearing. Mafia gang stuff. Pet names. Sir kink. Mean-ish Seonghwa. Big dick Seonghwa.

You couldn't help but live with only one purpose

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You couldn't help but live with only one purpose. To please Mr Park Seonghwa. He was a ruthless killer and a lavish lover. He spent most nights at his brother's nightclub, waiting for his next prey to satisfy himself. But when he laid eyes on you. The most beautiful and elegant little flower. He knew he needed to have you.

You were just too perfect. A young girl looking for a fresh start, so why did you stumble upon a bar filled with drunken mistakes and drugged-up nobodies? But the truth is simple. You were looking for excitement. Looking for trouble.

Needing to prove to your father that you weren't an inconsequential girl anymore. You could take charge, leave a room breathless at your presence, and take what you wanted. But alas, when you crawled into Seonghwa's lap. You both knew your oh-so-perfect image came crumbling down...

"P-please S-sir I, I wanna come so bad." Seonghwa has held you tightly down on his bed for the past hour, edging you until your pussy was puffy and sensitive. He wanted to see the tears rolling down your face before he would let you come. And every time you were close to the edge, his cock would slip out of your soaked cunt and he'd give it a slap, making you scream so loud you were sure his bodyguards heard how pathetic you sounded for him.

Tsk. He clicked his tongue, smirking sadistically from above you. His face was mere inches from yours, but when you tried to reach for a kiss, he'd pull back, making you whimper even more. "Come on, darling. I wanna see those tears. Can't you do that for me?"

He knew you were close to tears. You just needed one more push. So he sank his thick cock back into you with a sharp snap making you gasp out, gripping the silk sheets below you.


"My, my. Look at you dove. Imagine what your father would think, knowing you were so cock drunk off his enemy."

Yes, that's right, Seonghwa was not only trouble but the trouble your father warned you about. If you were going to be your father's successor, his enemies would become yours but here you were letting his number one adversary fuck the living shit out of you until you were nothing but a crying, pleading mess.

"Sir please I've been a good girl, let me cum." Tears finally broke down your face making Seonghwa snap his hips harder into you. You could feel his balls slap against your ass, as his cock drives deeper into you.

"You feel so good, baby. So warm and tight. Fuck you swore I'd never fuck you before." His words were pure vulgarity and you loved every second of it. "Are you gonna cum now baby? Come on, make a mess on your cock. It's yours, isn't it? Just like I'm yours and you are mine."

You cried in response, feeling more tears fall, beginning to wet the bed.

"Say it, doll. Who owns you? Who owns this fucking delicious cunt of yours?" His hot breath pooled against your wet cheek, making you finally open your eyes to meet his. They were dark, blown out with an inhuman nature mixing with lust. He was going to be the death of you—literally—. But deep down you knew he would protect you the moment you met him. You had to pick sides and prove to not only others but yourself that you were just as capable of being in this line of work as Seonghwa or your father. You were just as much trouble as anyone else.

"Yours..." You spoke clearly for the first time tonight.

"I am yours..."


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