044 | Wooyoung | Naked Twister

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Non!idol au | Suggestive | Fluff | Romantic?

Warnings: Very suggestive, Touchiness, Teasing, Talking about Sex (and Kinky sex is mentioned)

Synopsis: Woo invites you over at midnight to eat cookies and play some not-so-safe-for-work twister.


Knocking on the door to your boyfriend's house, you wait for him to answer. Even though he's taking his sweet-ass time while you stand in the freezing winter weather.

Why does he even want me to come over at 11:56 pm AT NIGHT!! Argh...

You thought, tapping your foot on the cold floor. He finally answers wearing what seems to be a very tight apron and shorts.

"Oh you're here, come in quick!!!" He screams, pulling you into the warm house with one swift pull. The smell of freshly baked cakes and cookies roams your senses.

"Mhmm what's cooking Bubba," you cooed as he leads you to the kitchen, seeing some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies on the counter.

"I decided to make us some dessert." He gives you a warm cheeky smile taking his apron off, placing it on the rack.

"Awe you're sweet Woo." You kiss his cheek as he hands you a delicious cookie. You take a bite and it tastes amazing. He takes on too, munching down on it like a happy kid.

Hehe cute

"So is this why you wanted me over at midnight... To eat cookies?" You ask knowing exactly how this man thinks and knowing he must have a cheeky plan.

"No, I wanted you over so we could see each other... And I wanna play a game with you." He said with a big grin on his face, scanning your body head to toe.

"Okay, so what us this 'game'," You raise an eyebrow, jumping onto the kitchen counter taking another cookie from the small black plate. You take a bite staring straight into his eyes.

"We are going to play a few different games..." He speaks, gliding his hands up your legs and thighs opening them just enough to slip in between them.

"Okay, Then let's play." You wink at him, moving your hands up his body from his waist, chest to his neck. Wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.

"What's the first game?" You ask pushing on him, moving him back so you can get off the countertop.

"Well, the first one is in the lounge room." He smiles and takes your hand in his, leading you to the first so-called game. Entering the room you are faced with an open laid-out game of twister. You fall onto the couch looking around the room, then to him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Twister? Why?" You cross your legs, spinning the spinner that lies next to you.

"Why not, it'll be fun, and besides we aren't playing normal twister." He smirks, giving his lips a lick coating them from being dry.

Damn this boy is a tease

"So Mr Game master. How is this not just normal twister?" You put out a cocky remark as you chuck the spinner at him. He caught it with a grin, shuffling over to you. He places both of his hands on your legs, making sure his face is right next to yours. You gulp at the closeness, shivers going up your spin.

"Every time one of us loses and falls over. One piece of clothing will come off. When someone has no more clothes the winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser." He grins proudly at himself for making up such a sinful twist on the game.

"So you just invited me here, at midnight I might add, so we can have some kinky sex?" You scoff laughing at the situation. Walking to the end of the mat Wooyoung blushes but laughs it off.

"Yeah..." He laughs. You get up off the couch and stand on the other end of the mat, facing Woo. He smiles before spinning the spine and starting the game.

"Left-hand blue..." You both took turns spinning, becoming entangled with one another. You lost a couple, which led you to be stuck in your bra and underwear. While Wooyoung lost his shirt and socks.

Fith or so round in, losing count at this point, you spin to place your left foot in-between Wooyoungs legs, leaning over his back.

"Okay, left-hand green." Woo moves his hand to the green circle right where your right foot is.

"Your turn." You spin after his words landing on;

"Right-hand blue." You move to a crouch position, putting your hand under your own ass where a blue circle is.

"Okay now let's see if you can get your right hand on a colour." You laugh at him. He smirks at your words.

"Well, that won't be fun, 'cause then I can't do this." He leans over and gives your left breast a small squeeze, sending shivers up your spine.

"Woo Stop!" You gulp, he just laughs and moves to spin as if nothing happened.

"That's cheating, you'll make me fall if you pull shit like that." You hiss at him. He gives a grin, finally as the spine stop.

"Oh, right foot on blue." He chuckles, moving his foot to blue, which is very convenient for him since now he's even closer to you on the mat than before. Feeling his breath on your exposed neck.

"Your turn Kitty." He growls breathing down his warm breath on your flesh. Shivering you move away to reach for the spinner.

"Left foot red." You move your red foot under Wooyoung and a thought comes to mind.

I'm not losing that easily.

He grins looking down at your twisted body. Scanning once more lust slowly engulfing his eyes.

"Right-hand green." He speaks putting his right hand on the mat finally. You go to spin again but before you could a sudden weight hits you and Wooyoung falls on top of you, making you both fall to the ground.

He lets out a laugh pulling himself up a bit. He places both hands on either side of your head. It went silent for a moment as you stare into each other. The laughter fades and a new feeling erose. He smiles and kisses you licking your bottom lip.

You tongues play their own twister, taking in each other. His hands travel up your body his fingertips grazing your hips, stomach, and chest. Feeling all the curves of your body. Pulling away he gives you another warm smile.

"Looks like you lost Kitty and I'm gonna have fun wrecking you."


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