090 | YunGi | Three Is Better

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Smut | College Au

Paring: (Mingi & Yunho) Boyfriend's YunGi x Reader

[Warnings] : Making out. Hickeys. Big dick Yunho and Mingi. Light-hearted sex. Poly relationship. Swearing. Pet names. Praise from Yunho. Mingi is a moaning mess. Multiple orgasms. Protected anal sex. Unprotected sex (Mingi didn't wrap it. Whoops)

"Please, please. Please." You sounded like a broken record. One that had been broken by none other than the infamous bad boy Mingi and his best friend, Yunho. You were a good girl in school. You weren't popular by all means, but you weren't an outcast either. You had friends, and you did what every normal college student would do. You lived a normal life.... well, that was until Mingi, the deep-voiced boy from your musical art class, started to take an interest in you.

Everyone wanted him and his friends. They were the idols of the school. But none of them were interested in relationships or flings or even hookups. Girls would lie, saying they'd been with them, but in truth, the boys were untouchable, and that made them even more desirable. Heck, they didn't even like human interaction with anyone other than their friend group. But yet when Mingi saw you, he knew he wanted you. And so did Yunho.

It became a game of cat and mouse. But in this case, it was two very large cats cornering one scared little mouse. You wanted it, though. As much as you fought it at first. You wanted the pleasure you knew they would provide. But part of you wanted to keep your dignity, not wanted to be plastered as a whore in the school. But Mingi and Yunho's reassured you that no one would come to know your dirty secret. And yet, no one would even believe it anyway if it were to get out.

So here you stand, with two large bodies holding you close in between them. Mingi's fingers were paced fast as you high came ripping closer and closer. Yunho's tongue lapped the bright purple marks on your soft skin, the ones he created so he could show others you were taken without anyone knowing who exactly gave them to you. They were both possessive over you. Learning more and more things about you and your body every time they had you in these situations.

"Mingi I..I.." You gripped his biceps, nails digging into his flesh as you could feel your orgasm approaching. Mingi just chuckled, going faster while Yunho snaked his hand from behind you to place a finger on your clit, circling it quickly in time with Mingi's thrusts.

"Fuck fuck fuck.." you swore, knees buckling, you fall into Yunho's arms, making him keep you up while they continue. Your orgasm comes quickly, Mingi letting out a chuckle at his work. You were so fucked out already and they hadn't even started yet. Yunho swopped you up, laying you on his bed while Mingi takes this time to undress, finally making you not the only one naked in the room. Yunho kisses your forehead whispering how good you were, making your heart jump at his words.

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