037 | Jongho | Wanna Try?

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Synopsis : Reader Finds out they might have a spit kink.

Warnings: Swearing, spit play, mentions of sex.


It was a sweet lazy afternoon. Jongho was done with promotions and you finally got some time off work. He was scrolling through YouTube on the TV, while you scroll through Twitter laying your head on his lap. His fingers through your hair, you both were happy in each other's company.

While scrolling you spot a tweet that made you giggle. This caught Jongho's attention, making him look down at you. You notice his gaze and look into them smiling.

"What you laughing at?" He questions.

"It's just a random tweet." You scrunched your nose, sitting up from him. He quickly follows suit, pulling your body to him, wrapping his hands around your waist.

"Let me see." You give in to him, letting him see the tweet. He froze reading it, looking back at you with a raised eyebrow.

"You into that?" He reads over the tweet again checking he wasn't imagining, the tweet indeed said ' Don't you wish your partner would just be rough with you and spit in your mouth like a brat'.

"Oh god aha no, I was laughing 'cause I don't get how girls are into it... it's strange." You chuckle, sitting back against the chair armrest, drinking in your form.

"I'm into it." You froze at his word. Gulping down you look at the confidence spilling from the man you call your boyfriend. He motions you to come sit on his lap. You obey taking your seat.

"You wanna try it?" He cooed while his hands roam your waist digging his fingers into the hem of your shorts slightly. Your curiosity takes over, not to mention the dominant nature Jongho is showing is making you melt faster than ice on a hot tar road.

"Y-yes.." You reply. He smirks, pushing you lightly to sit on the ground on your knees, settling between his leg. He grabs your chin lifting you up to almost meet his lips. He looks deep into your eyes with a devilish smirk.

"Open up Princess, tongue out." You open your mouth, tongue flattened on your chin, looking at Jongho with hooded doe eyes. He spits right into your mouth. Adrenaline hitting you afterwards.

"Now swallow like a good girl." He lets go of your chin, closing your mouth you sallow immediately. You were dazed wanting more from him. You claw his thighs, whimpering at him.

"Oh does my girl want more?" He pulls you up onto his lap again, purring into your neck.

"Don't worry honey, I'll give you whatever you want."


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