012 | Mingi | Different

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Angst | Fluff | Suggestive | Fantasy | Wolf Au

「Synopsis」 : Tonight was supposed to be fun, but when two humans decided to harass you, Mingi has to now swoop in and save the day... How would react to their bunny hybrid mate getting hurt?

Paring: Wolf!Mingi x Hybrid!Reader

[Warnings] : Harassment, drunk people, mean girls, slurs, insensitive words, angry boyfriend mingi. Neck kisses, mingi being classy yet horny.

Part 4 of the Wolf!Ateez x Bunny!reader Series

Normally you wouldn't want to dress up head to toe and 'Dollified' yourself as you say

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Normally you wouldn't want to dress up head to toe and 'Dollified' yourself as you say. But when Mingi came into the kitchen at Lunch, snaking his hands around your waist while kissing your bond wound. How could you say no to him almost begging for you to come with him to a nightclub so he can celebrate his youngest brother finally getting a mate. So here you stand, in front of your tall, body-length mirror, looking at your attire which doesn't seem nearly as appealing as a nice pair of pj's, or baggy t-shirt and jeans. But you promised, and even though Mingi reassured you over a million times that if you were really uncomfortable He will take you home without question.

Your hands drape around your waist, up your chest, fingertips grazing the exposed skin of your neck. The outfit you picked out matched Mingi's. Same emerald green detailing on top of black attire, and don't forget the gold accessories. If someone were to see you two, they would most likely say you look like some royal Slytherin couple straight out of harry potter. Your mind wonders again, seeing the necklace Mingi bought you sitting patiently on the counter next to the mirror, just waiting for you to finish off your outfit with it. He worked hard to find something nice that you'd love, and you indeed do love the jewellery piece.

"Do you need help, Darling?" Mingi's deep voice would make anyone jump if heard from behind them. But you, just as still as you were before he entered the room, looked up into the mirror seeing the tall wolf stand strong over you. His rough hands grip your hips, as his head dips into your neck, taking in your perfume, your scent. His lips graze your jugular, hot tongue darting out to lick along the outline of your main vein. You tilted your head, closing your eyes. You took a moment to ravish in his affection, your hand coming up to his head, raking your fingers through his soft hair. You hummed as his body stands flushed against yours, his wandering hand retching for your necklace that is tangled in your fingers. Slipping it out of your grasp, he replaces his lips with the cold chain, making you shiver.

"We're going to be late baby." His low gravelled voice whispers in your ear, his breath tickling your lob. You smile at him as you make eye contact with him through the mirror. "You look so perfect." He spoke up making you blush. He always complimented you whenever he could. He knew you were insecure with your body image, so he took it upon himself to help you see yourself as he sees you. Perfect in every way.

The club roared, music making it hard to hear yourself think let alone hear the person next to you. The dance floor was packed with drunken humans, making you feel uneasy. You haven't been around humans in years, you tend to avoid them because every time you do come in contact most of them comment on you being a hybrid. It's not that hybrids weren't common but your kind lived away from where humans gather and so do the wolves. Living among one another wasn't something to be done often. But as the new age grew, more and more creatures mingled with one another, including humans. But that doesn't mean you didn't want to hide your fluffy ears, keeping them flopped against your hair and your tail tucked away even though it was uncomfortable.

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