113 | Wooyoung | Shhh

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Smut | College Au

Paring: Fratboy!Wooyoung x Reader

[Warnings] : Messy unprotected sex. Fucking at a party. Frat boy Wooyoung. Choking kink. Breath play. Swearing. Secret relationship. Slight pain kink. Creampie.

"Shh be quiet

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"Shh be quiet." His hand landed on your mouth, stopping your airflow. His other hand held your neck in pace, tightening your airways completely. You started to feel dizzy as black spots slowly clouded your vision.

"Occupied. So shit somewhere else." Wooyoung yelled out to San who had been whining from beyond the locked bathroom door for the past three minutes. Wooyoungs thrusts didn't falter, keeping their hash pace as he fucks you desperately. Your fingers claw at the marble sink top while your eyes water, staring at the smug frag boy behind you. His breathing was rugged and short-paced. He finally removed his hand from your mouth, letting fall to your hips for support but the other stays nicely tucked against your neck. His long fingers are cased around your flesh, finding the right amount of pleasure to tip you over the edge. You couldn't help but scream.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Wooyoung!!!" if no one knew about you, they definitely know now, hearing your sweet moans pooling down the hall from the small bathroom. Wooyoung's hips don't stop, instead, they get faster and harder, feeling himself being close to the edge. You beg for him to slow down and that 'it's too much' for your sensitive cunt but he does listen.

"You can take it Doll. Be a good little cumslut and take my load." His words got your head spinning along with the lack of oxygen. His hot breath tickled your neck as he bit your shoulder threatening to break through the skin. The pain mixing with pleasure felt you wanted more and more. Feeling another orgasm running tightly in your gut.

"Please Woo..." You begged.

"There's my good girl." He praised, shifting his position so he could stand up straight, bringing your back flush against his bare chest. "My perfect whore. Fuck I love you." He swore, snapping his hips one final time before spilling deep inside your dripping pussy. You came soon after, feeling the power of his thrusts slow every time his cock slips inside until he could come to a stop completely. You couldn't speak, or move, letting Wooyoung pull his cock out painfully slow, making sure you feel every vein while he does so. His fingers that were tight around your throat finally let go for the first time since he caught you hiding out in the bathroom. Meaning you could take a deep breath in, passing out soon after.


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