120 | Jongho | Sorry

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Smut | Angst | Kinda Fluff.

【Synopsis】 : Can Jongho find a way to make it up to you? Or will you end up not forgiving him?

Pairings: BF!Jongho x GF!Reader

[Warnings] : Swearing, Crying. Toxic families. Life expectations are too high. A lot of im sorry's. Mentioning of a shitty ex. Human image and reputation mentioned. Unprotected sex (big no,no) fingering. Making out. Crying during sex. Soft dom Jongho. Lots of whining. Pet names

The night felt young and then endless the next

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The night felt young and then endless the next. You would have never thought such a wonderful evening would turn to hate to such a degree. The sounds of his screams still stung your ears. Deafening you in horrid silence. Your tears had stopped a long time ago, but the ache in your chest didn't seem to fade. You didn't move, not for a while anyway. Sitting in the same spot, he left you in. On the floor of your bathroom.

You had never argued like this before. But then again, you've never recalled ever even fighting at all in your relationship. Yes, you bickered and got on each other's nerves. Heck, you even pushed one another buttons at times, but never have you ever seen him so furious. And what for? Other people's opinions? Your family's opinion? His family's opinion?

You cried and pleaded with him not to listen to the foul words his mother spoke when you were involved. Saying you were conspiring against him. Speaking as if you were still in love with your ex-fiance. But in truth, you never loved him. You never loved anyone other than Jongho. You didn't want any other. But Jongho listened and took other people's words over your own. And it stung your soul.

It had been four days. Four days of silence. Four days of solitude. Four days without him. He didn't even bother to message. No text, call, or even a random cat photo that he would always send you at odd hours of the night. Your body ached for him, your heart shattered, not hearing his sweet tone. What was worse is that you didn't hate him. You couldn't. Deep down, you knew it wasn't his fault. It was his family that caused this. He was just an idiot for listening. Spilling lies into his head. You stared up at the ceiling, just like every night that passed since. You had memorized the details in the roof from this. How the cracks flow in certain directions in the paint. How there is still one lone glow-in-the-dark star, all alone. Just like you. Ironry, I guess.


Your heart stopped... Did you just. No. You must have miss heard it. Making it up in your brain. He couldn't―wouldn't―be there. Then a creek and thump echoed from the floor. Another snap of a light switch being turned on before light pools under your bedroom door. You weren't imagining it. But what do you do? Pretend to be asleep? Get up and greet him? No, no. that's a stupid idea. So you sit frozen instead. Like you always do.

"Baby..." His voice was just behind the door, but he didn't put in an effort to open said door. In truth, he didn't want to scare you or face you. He was a coward at this moment, terrified he would have to gaze upon an unforgiving expression. He knows he was in the wrong, and it pained him that he had to come crawling back to you like a dog. "I..." He choked, feeling like he wanted to cry already. "I don't know if you are awake. Or if you even want to see me...." God, he couldn't seem to find the words. He kept stumbling on himself. It was like his brain either wanted to shut down and not speak a word or word vomit all over the floor. He couldn't seem to pick.

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