140 | San | Make You Mine

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Suggestive | office Au


【Synopsis】 : San can't help but send death glares to any man that tried to have your attention for too long. Too bad you dont belong to him... yet.

Pairing: CEO!San x Assistant!Reader

[Warnings] : Man handling. Pet names. Dominance kink. Choking kink. Fingering. use of the name slut. Slight Exhibitionism kink. Mention of sex. Making out. Edging.

He was staring you down like a piece of meat

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He was staring you down like a piece of meat. His lips were snarled as he watched you standing among newcomers. Recruits from a highly skilled agency, joining the team company for the moment until they later get filtered out to other buildings that lay under Choi San's name. Choi, the largest family company in Korea. San took over soon after his father passed, he was only twenty-five when it happened. But he grew up quickly, so naturally, taking the role of CEO was easy. It was hard, and the toll it took on him was painful. But the one thing he looked forward to every time he came into work was you.

His pretty little assistant.

You were young, just turning twenty-one when you joined his team. That was three years ago now. He always made sure to have you by his side whenever he could. Oh, he needed a coffee? He'd make sure to grab one for you, but not a coffee, no, no, you like a hot chocolate no matter the weather cause you only like sweet things. He needed to organize planners and meetings, he'd make sure you were sitting with him in his office while you both chat the day away as he worked on the planners. Grabbing lunch? Always without fail he'd grab you something to eat, drop it off in front of you on your desk along with a white chocolate and raspberry cookie and before you could even tell him he didn't need to buy you food, he was gone. Slipping into his private closed office space.

To say he was in love with you was the only thing to mention. And no, he did not have a crush or a thing... he wasn't a player looking for a hookup even though practically every woman that worked for him and all the past assistants threw themselves at him. He didn't budge.

Until you.

He was a man, deeply in love, the moment he laid eyes on you. A sweet thing looking for her first big girl job. You were smart, reliable, friendly, and oh that smile you make every time you look at him. His heart would swoon every time you sent it his way. You were the definition of perfect. And he wanted you as his. So seeing these new men, crowding you at the office party made his blood boil. No man was worth your attention, even he at times. Wooyoung, A friend of San's seemed to take notice of the way San's nostrils were flared and his brow was knitted with frustration. He could practically see steam pouring out of his best friend's ears.

"If you're so mad, go talk to her instead." Wooyoung nudged San, snapping him out of his stare for a moment to shoot a quick glance at the younger, only merely grunting in response before turning back. "Come on boss man, tell her you like her. You know she likes you right."

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