159 | Wooyoung | What Happened To Slow Down?

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Smut without plot

[Synopsis] : Coming back from a house party, you and Woo couldn't seem to keep your hands off one another. Everything was happening so fast. You two didn't even make it to the bedroom.

Pairing: Boyfriend!Wooyoung x F.Reader

[Warnings] : Unprotected sex. PIV. Pet name. Oral. Dirty talk. Drunk sex. Mention of weed/smoking. Wooyoung his so pussy drunk and reader is very cock drunk. They are both crazy. I wrote this around 3 a.m., so it's honestly all over the place. But given this is drunk/high sex, i feel like it fits ahha.

Maybe taking that last shot wasn't the best idea, and maybe playing some horny ass card game with your friends while smoking was also not your best move, but you could care at this moment

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Maybe taking that last shot wasn't the best idea, and maybe playing some horny ass card game with your friends while smoking was also not your best move, but you could care at this moment. All you could care about was Wooyoung's lips kissing down your neck, suckling on your collarbone to create perfect purple marks over your perfect skin.

Wooyoung swears he could just come now in his pants, by the sheer noises you were making. The way your legs were wrapped around his waist as he ground his erect bulge against you while your fingers gripped the edge of the hallway table. Everything was so desperate and hot. Your minds were cloudy and your head, spinning. All you could taste on his lips was beer and hints of vodka and soju while he tasted the sweet Malibu and coke on your tongue. Your shirt was forgotten somewhere down the hall while he started to rip, not pull, tug, or shift, literally rip your shorts and panties off.

He promised himself he'd buy you new pairs, but all he needed right now was his head in between your legs, or better yet his cock. honestly, he didn't care at the moment. all he wanted was you. no matter what. "Fuck, you're so wet." Was the first words spoken since you and Wooyoung had gotten home from the house party San was throwing. Things got a little out of hand from there. You barely made it through the front door when you were both pushing yourself towards one another.

"Wet for you..." You moaned as his lips smashed back onto yours, picking you up he tumbled into the bedroom but he didn't make it to the bed, no, he fell with you tightly into his grasp onto the very soft floor rug you recently purchased.

Neither of you cared where you were, though, as his hips humped against yours, making a wet patch form from your slick on his jeans. Everything was so loud yet quiet, and that bottle of whiskey you both downed was starting to come into effect. Your body's senses were heightened. Your sense of smell, your hearing. Everything was making you dizzy in the best way possible.

"Woo, please, just...hnng..fuck." Your fingers tried to tug at your boyfriend's pants, but he suddenly sat up, leaning over towards the bed, reaching for something.

"Wait, baby, slow down." He chuckled at your eagerness, but you brushed off his words. Sitting up to unbuckle his pants, tugging them down his thighs enough so that you could get his cock free. You wrapped your hand around his shaft while he still tried to reach for god knows what on the bed. But his movements suddenly came to a screeching hault when he felt your mouth wrap around his angrily hard tip.

"Oh fuck..." his free hand lifted his shirt slightly so he could get a view of you sucking him off like your life depended on it. "You're gonna suck the life outta me doll."

You just giggled around his cock from his stupid remark, pumping him at a pace that got him so hot he felt like he was gonna nut within seconds. He couldn't handle it anymore, gripping your hair tightly, making you pull off him with a loud audible pop. "Please, Doll." His fingers tangled in your hair as he gave you a long drawn-out kiss, tasting himself on your tongue, before pulling away to say; "If you kept going, I would have came down that pretty throat of yours. And I'd rather fuck you first."

"Okay, Youngie." You gave him a big grin. The alcohol had made you become a gigging mess, laying down on the rug, waiting for him to give you another order. But he finally could grab the pillow he was trying to reach prior. He leans down, giving you another quick kiss while putting the pillow under your head before suddenly grabbing your hips, and rotating you in one swift motion.

"What, you wanna fuck me like I'm famous youngie?" You wiggled your ass in his view, letting him give it a loud sharp slap making your words catch in your horse throat.

"No..." he rubbed your red asscheek, "I'm gonna fuck you like it's my last day on earth."

You groaned into the pillow feeling the harsh burn of his cock sliding into you without prep. Your mind wonders why you never had drunk sex before. Wooyoung was talkative during sex normally, but this... this was different. There was no filter between you two. No hesitation. No second thoughts. Just raw emotion.

"FUCK WOOYOUNG!." His hips snapped into you, making you take all his length in one motion. Your screams were buried in the pillow. You were too loud for your apartment. And your neighbours would probably call the cops for a noise complaint any second now. "Fuck fuck fuck, woo, please, hnngg.. shhhiitt.."

His fingers dug into your hips, leaving crescent moon shapes from his nails. There would surely be bruises by the morning, along with bright red marks on your ass from how hard Wooyoung was slamming his pelvis against you. "Fuck baby, you are so tight. Squeezing me so well. Oh my god, I'm gonna come."

He sped up, losing himself from the feeling of your tight, gummy walls. Your throat was burning from your yelps and screams. Wooyoung's high-pitched moans harmonised with you, making a song only you and he could make. "W-w-woo-ooyoung!! What‐fuck...what happened to going s-sloww."

Wooyoung snaked one of his hands under you, pressing his fingers against your clit rubbing at the perfect pace to tip you over the edge. "I lied."

You squirted, coming around Wooyoung's hard cock, making a mess on the carpet and Youngie's thighs. He pulled out of you, needed to catch his breath for a moment. Edging himself. You sit up, pushing him down against the end of the bed, hooking your leg over his delicious thighs, before sinking down on his cock. You gasped at the sensitivity but inched deeper nonetheless. Wooyoung slammed his head back against the bed, feeling himself so close to nutting just from the feeling of your tight soaked cunt around him. "Fuck doll, I'm gonna come. Cream inside your cunt."

"Oh god." You wrap your arms around his neck, feeling yourself climax again. He planted his feet on the ground, fucking upwards into you, spilling ropes of come deep inside your abused pussy. You bit down on his shoulder, silencing yourself from screaming any louder while Wooyoung freely moaned with his head tilted towards the roof. You were definitely going to get a noise complaint from this.


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