063 | Seonghwa | My Charming

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Fluff | Fantasy Au | Slice Of Life Au | Royal Au

Synopsis : You were his Snow and He, Your Charming.

Type: Prince!Seonghwa x SnowWhite!Reader

Warning: None that I know of other than mention of a hard past. Just a whole lot of fluff.

Anyone you met would have told you over and over that life in the enchanted forest was nothing but a fairytale

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Anyone you met would have told you over and over that life in the enchanted forest was nothing but a fairytale. Well, your life was certainly not filled with the joys and eternal happiness this place had to offer. You worked hard every day. Losing not only your darling mother but your father and kingdom. You were alone, labelled a fugitive in your own kingdom because of the Queen, your stepmother's word.

But that was 4 years ago. Now you live deep in the forest away from the burden of your old life. With your new family. The dwarfs, and your prince. Charming... He was your knight in shining armour. You might have met on a bumpy path but he fell deeply in love. Tonight he was sneaking away from his prince duties with the kingdom to come to visit you. His father would be mortified if he knew, you were the one the held Seonghwa's heart. King George betrothed Seonghwa to a neighbouring kingdom, but he did not wish to marry for money. He wished for love, true love. And you were his.

A knock was quick at the door that made you and your brothers jump. You were settled in the kitchen finishing up the rest of the meal preparation, so you waved for someone else to take care of your prince at the door. San and Wooyoung quickly took the mission, rushing to the door to finally meet this mysterious man you kept swooning about.

San opened the door with a big flirtatious smile. He eyed Seonghwa up and down batting his eyes are the wealthy confidence he presented. Wooyoung on the other hand was super giggly, immediately retching for Seonghwa's hand to shake it.

"Hi, it's amazing to meet you! I'm Wooyoung, but a lot of people like to call me happy!" He cheered, taking a step to the side to let Seonghwa in through the door, but San stopped him.

"I'm San, People call me Bashful but I can see you seem to be the most bashfulness person here." He gave a sly smirk before letting him inside. The three walked deeper into the cottage towards the dining you. The scent of fresh apple pie and cinnamon erupted in their noses. Its smell was heavenly. San gestures to Seonghwa to take a seat at the end of the table. Two more of your brothers entered the room carrying an array of cutlery and plates. Seonghwa offers to help the one wearing a crimson red scoff;

"You're our guest act like it..." He snaps.

"Grumpy!" The other says sternly making the one nicknamed Grumpy sigh out placing the plates on the table.

"you're our guest act like it....Please..." He rolls his eyes before walking off.

"Don't worry Yeosang is harmless, he's actually very loveable but he's cold with strangers." San battered on. "And the one telling in off is Hongjoong, people call him Doc. He's the one that looks after all of us." the conversation continued as you continued with the food, shaking lightly. You were worried, what if he didn't like your food? What if he didn't like your family, how you live?

"Snow? You seem far, what's on your mind." Yunho's calm voice drew you out of your mind. The nickname your brothers gave you makes you bring a small smile out, looking over at him.

"I'm just nervous...–Well don't be San and Woo are keeping him busy, you're food looks amazing and everyone is going to be on their best behaviour." He cut you off, placing a hand on your lower back to comfort you.

"Thank you, Yun... You know they should have called you Calmy instead." You laughed as he always seemed to have the right words. His eyes grew for a moment feeling a sense of pride in your statement. The action made his face look soft, like a puppy. "Then again with that face, I remember why you're called Dopey." You laugh.

"Hey, have you seen Mingi and Jongho? They haven't come back from the markets yet?" Hongjoong came in grabbing some more items for the table. You both shrug saying you haven't seen them return yet. He brushed it off saying Mingi probably stopped to take a nap, You still wonder why we were always so sleepy.

"Well....I...Uh, should go say hi, before we eat.." You take your apron off, brushing the crumbs off your sundress. You look into the water in the sink. Brushing your hair back before facing Joong and Yun.

"How do I look?" You ask, twirling a little bit for them. they both blush lightly smiling widely at you saying you are absolutely beautiful.

"Ok...Ok..." You whisper to yourself before walking out towards the dining room. you spot Wooyoung and San dotting Seonghwa, asking me question after question. You cough lightly, getting their attention.

"Ah Snow, you're finally here. Charming here seems to be a great guy." Wooyoung yells to you as if Hwa wasn't sitting next to him. You brush them away, letting a hand out for Hwa to take. He took it, letting guide him around the place, showing him the little cottage you call home. Entering your room, he takes a seat on the edge of your bed while you talk about anything and everything.

"So how long do you think food will bed?" He asks. you hit his chest laughing out with a cheeky tone.

"I thought you came here to see me?!" You spoke dumbfounded. he laughs out saying he was joking while wrapping his arms around your waist. both of you fall onto the bed, his head hitting the pillow while yours rests on his head. He strokes his fingers through your hair, softly holding you. his chest rises and falls at the same time as yours. It may have only been a small moment but it felt like time had stopped.

"Move in..." He bluntly spoke out in the silence, making you sit up on your elbows, laying flat on your stomach.

"W-What?" You sounded more surprised than you wanted, shaking a little. "M-move in? Like into the castle?" You were stuttering, you haven't lived in a castle since you were young and back then it wasn't a great memory you had.

"Yeah, I want to be able to wake up to you every morning, watching the sunrise kiss your beautiful skin. To be able to call for you and spot you snuggled on the day bed in the grand library while you read all your favourite books." He waved his hands around with the biggest smile on his face making you blush.

"I want you by my side, sitting confidently as my Queen." The name he called you, hit you like a bus. Queen? He wants to marry you. He truly loves you unlike you could have ever imagined.

"You want to marry me?" You blushed out, now sitting straight up. he followed you up, pulling you onto his lap.

"Yes, I want you to be mine forever and I for you." His words melted you away, bringing tears to your eye.

"Oh, Charming..." You kiss him passionately, feeling tears roll down your cheeks. He deepened the kiss, holding the back of your neck with his large hand.

"I love you y/n, My Snow." He whispered. His breath pooled on your lips.

"I love you more, My Charming." You giggled back, locking your lips on his again.

"DINNER IS READY LOVE BIRDS!!" Wooyoung screamed.

"HURRY UP I'M HUNGRY!!" Mingi bellowed making you both laugh.


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