137 | Yeosang | Pretty Boy

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【Synopsis】 : It's Yeosangs turn to know what it feels like to have rope pull and tug on his beautiful skin, and he can't help my whimper at the sheer idea of it.

Pairing: Boyfriend!Yeosang x Gn!Reader

[Warnings] : Slight powerplay. Just some sweet poetic lovey dovey shit. Shibari tying. Yeosang is lowkey a Rope bunny. 

Yeosang was kicking himself for opening his tipsy mouth

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Yeosang was kicking himself for opening his tipsy mouth. He had gotten back from an after-party he and the boys were attending, and one thing led to another he accidentally told you he always had the biggest urge to be tied up. And what sparked this idea, well, he had tied you up in the past after you confessed to him your licking to it, and he was more than happy to obey your sweet request. But something about seeing your beautiful skin with the gorgeous red rope tight around your body. Holding you still while some of it moulded your curves in a way that was none other described as a work of art. You were his work of art.

And he wanted to know...

Wanted to feel the rope against his skin. He wanted to know how tight you could tie his hands behind his back or above his head. Would you do the same pretty pattern he had done on your body, or would you gift him his own unique pattern? He wanted to feel pretty. Give up control to you to have him as you please. He wanted to know what it felt like to be dotted over. And you were more than happy to obey his sweet request.

It started off simple. He was in his boxers while you were still in your pj's. You wanted him to be as comfortable as possible, starting to bind his wrists and arms, seeing if he was okay with the tightness and feeling of the rope against him. And once he voiced his green light, you moved on to tying the rope around his chest, making shapes along his soft skin. His breathing began to hitch, feeling excitement grow in his lower tummy. You kept going with your knots, noticing he was relaxed against the fibre. You decided to tie his hands against the headboard, given it would grant you more access to him when the time came. Which Yeosang did not seem to mind in the slightest. All he did was watch the way your pretty manicured fingers knot and tighten the rope against his pale skin.

"A-Angel." Yeosang felt himself get hotter, shifting on the silk sheet. You just chuckle seeing the red blush painting his cheeks, growing towards his ears. You tightened the last piece of rope along his tummy, pulling away to look at your work so far.

"You are so pretty Sangie."

God, your words made his head spin and his hips jerk upwards. Yes, pretty. that's what he wanted. He wanted to be pretty. Wants you to call him as such. He bit his lip with a knitted brow. His eyes only half opened while staring at you with a glossy haze. You had to smile while pulling out another bag of rope from your special box. If you knew Yeosang would act like this while being tied up, you would have done this sooner. There was a sense of dominance in this act. And not dominance like power or strength. But rather, it is one of care and security. Wanting nothing more than to tend to his needs and make him feel like a goddess among humans. "My pretty boy."

Wrapping the rope around his ankles, tying them together in a cuffed knot while creating a pattern on his thick thighs to keep his body in place. He hiccuped a groan, feeling his mind slip into a place he'd never been before. Pretty boy. Your words echoed in his head as he felt like he was starting to float. You were the only person in his mind. The only thing he needed. And the ropes holding him in place made him want to be your pretty boy. Be your good boy.


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