041 | Yeosang | 10:50pm

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Timestamp | Mature 


The dice rolling on the table, having your turn begin. Everyone sees the numbers two and three land face up. Taking your pawn you move five spaces until you land on the correct box. Truth. Grabbing the card in the middle you read it aloud.

"When was the last time you had sex? Detail, who, where and when." You spoke with a big gulp as you suddenly feel flushed to your cheeks.

"Well...." San spoke up. You quickly take a glance at Yeosang. His face was blank with a slight smirk on him.

"A couple of hours ago..." You stutter out. All the boy's expressions change, suddenly looking around the room at each other.

"Was it one of us?" Mingi states dumbfounded at his best friend sleeping with one of his band members.

"Uh.." You feel embarrassment flowing through you, in no mind, you ever thought this was how You and Yeosang were gonna tell them about your relationship that's been going on for the past 4 months.

"It was me, now Jongho roll it's your turn." Yeosang coughed out rearranging himself on the couch before handing the dice to the youngest.

"WHAT SINCE WHEN WERE YOU TWO!!" Wooyoung screams out but is cut off, by Seonghwa raising a hand with an 'ash' in his tone for the younger one being too loud next to him.

"You can't just go ' Oh it was me, funny, your turn'. We need the details." San mocks Yeosang's previous statement.

"Okay well, so when two people love each other they go to a bedroom and then they begi–AH STOP THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT." San interrupted Yeo, shaking his hands every to stop the other male from speaking any further. All the began laughing, finally, Hongjoong, asked properly how you begin dating, letting you and Yeosang explain the magical event of how the two of you got together.


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